So You Think You Know Governor Murphy’s FY2020 Budget Proposal: The Insider NJ Quiz
By Insider NJ |
May 6, 2019, 11:12 am | in Caucus Room
Take Insider NJ’s FY2020 budget proposal quiz:
What executive branch department has the largest decrease in state appropriations percentage-wise, at 52%?
Department of Agriculture: FY2019 adjusted appr.: $49,119 (thousands); FY2020: $23,476 (thousands); Difference: -$25,643 (thousands); Percentage: -52.2%
The FY2020 budget proposal decreases winter operations/snow removal (as part of state operations) by what amount?
The FY2020 state appropriations for winter operations/snow removal is listed as a decrease of $55 million.
The FY2020 budget proposal appropriates what amount to NJ Transit?
The FY2020 budget proposal includes a General Fund appropriation of $407.5 million for NJ Transit, a $100 million increase from FY2019 and a $266.6 million, or a 189 percent increase from FY2018.
The FY2020 budget increases state appropriations from FY2019 in what amount?
The FY2020 budget presented by Governor Murphy recommends appropriations totaling $38.6 billion; a 1.7% increase from FY2019's $37.9 billion.
The FY2020 appropriates the following amount to the Legislature:
The FY2020 budget proposal appropriates $89.6 million to the Legislature, a decrease of $490,000 from FY2019.
Governor Murphy's FY2020 budget proposal calls for appropriations in what amount?
The FY2020 budget presented by Governor Murphy recommends appropriations totaling $38.6
The FY2020 projected sales tax revenue is higher than the FY2019 revised sales tax revenue by what approximate amount?
The FY2019 revised sales tax figure is $10.057 billion, and the FY2020 projected amount is $10.456 billion.
The FY2020 budget proposals recommends the following appropriation to the Charity Care program?
A total of $262 million is recommended to be distributed through the Charity Care program to all hospitals in New Jersey.
Governor Murphy's FY2020 budget proposal is what percentage higher than FY2019's adjusted appropriations?
Due to unavoidable trend growth and to advance the Governor’s investments and
commitment to sustainable budgeting practices, this budget calls for appropriations that are 1.7
percent higher than the FY2019 adjusted appropriation.
Which executive branch department has the largest decrease (raw numbers) in state appropriations under the FY2020 budget proposal, at $69 million?
Department of Environmental Protection: FY2020 adjusted appr.: $388,465 (thousands); FY2020: $319,441 (thousands); Difference: -$69,024 (thousands); Percentage: -17.8%
The FY2020 projected revenues for Gross Income Tax is what amount?
After factoring out the $92.7 million in non-recurring revenue, the FY2020 revenue estimate of $16.6 billion assumes net collections grow by 6.9 percent.
The FY2020 projected sales tax revenue is what approximate amount?
The FY2020 projection of $10.5 billion excludes the one-time amnesty revenue boost for FY2019.
So You Think You Know Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Proposal: The Insider NJ Quiz
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