This Emperor Has No Clothes

Before the debate we already knew some things about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
We knew that Trump disdains those who have shed their blood for this country – the latest incident being his misuse of Arlington National Cemetery to make political commercials. Preceded, of course, by Trump denigrating a Gold Star family, mocking John McCain for “getting captured,” and describing those veterans who sacrificed their lives as “suckers and losers.” Which should be viewed through the prism of Trump’s lies about his phony bone spurs to avoid the draft. The “bone spurs” in a foot he can’t recall diagnosed by a doctor he can’t remember that mysteriously disappeared on their own even though real bone spurs never do.
We knew that many Americans are deeply and justifiably upset about inflation and the border, blame Biden and, by extension, distrust Harris’ willingness to address it.
We also knew Trump’s view of women - having been caught on an Access Hollywood tape bragging how they let him grope their genitalia. As well as a jury’s verdict that he sexually assaulted Jean Carroll in a department store dressing room. Separate and apart from his transactional flip flopping on abortion.
What, then, did the debate show us that was new?
Well – regardless of how you feel about Harris’ policy proposals – we saw that she is formidable and has real presence, undergirded by authenticity.
We were reminded that however much Trump is personally disliked (even by many who support him), he dislikes America even more. Instead of accepting the peaceful transfer of power or taking any responsibility for the disgrace of January 6th, Trump lost it. Over what? Crowd size. Revealing himself as an angry old man who demands adulation he has not earned.
And we learned that besides being an old man, Trump is also an incoherent one. Because last night was a very important night for both candidates. If Trump could have restrained his temper, focused, and made structured arguments, he would have. But Trump can’t, and his simple inability to do so was there for all to see.
So understood, all the post-debate handwringing by other Republicans about Trump’s “lost opportunities” to attack Harris really misses the point. She still needs to (and hopefully soon will) better establish her moderate bona fides. Trump didn’t fail to exploit those gaps in her record because he is a gentleman. He let those “opportunities” slip because Trump lacks the mental acuity to use them.
Indeed, on the internet much of the Republican handwringing occurred before the debate. Why? Because those close to Trump in this election cycle fully understood that whatever his mental acuity was in 2016, and even 2020, it is far less now. Meaning – among other things – that to Trump’s complete lack of military experience and profound disinterest in military affairs we can now add the fact that he is well past his use by date to be our Commander-in-Chief.
When Joe Biden hit the acuity wall, he stepped down – pushed by the Democratic Party and many ordinary Democratic voters. Having seen what we have all now seen, what is the Republican Party’s excuse? And – let me just say it. To those who still plan to vote for Trump, what is yours?
Thomas Jefferson and NJVOTER have another drink of the orange Kool aid. Your delusion is laughable.
George, I remember "The Emperor Has No Clothes" as an interesting tale when I was a 5th grade student more than a half century ago and I applaud the contextual usage you have employed in your article. While reading the opposing comments I wondered how many of the Maga folks believe it was the right choice to free Barrabas? Excellent article!!!!
George Ball: I see you're using all the talking points of the Democrat-Communists Harris and Walz, and their Lame Stream Legacy media apparatchik friends. Such terms as "weird", "boring" and "sad" have been used, ridiculously by the Left-wing. I guess you Communists are running out of ideas from your playbook on how to "eliminate" a Presidential candidate. The fact you Communists are using inflammatory comments to incite your mentally defective base, is what has caused 2 attempted assassinations on Trump, with 2 others stopped before they got started. Keep up the inflammatory remarks and you'll get the Republican Presidential candidate harmed seriously more than Butler, PA. But then again, God's hand is protecting Trump.
George Ball…..unsolicited advice Do NOT hit your head on a brick wall; You will only get a headache.
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We the People did not vote for Harris. No Democrat primary or debates. Months before Biden was booted , the same team was looking to boot Harris . She was a drag on the ticket and polls showed she had the worst ranting of any Vice President. Did not say Trump was the answer, but VP HARRIS is no knight in shining armor. UNITE AMERICA
More absurdity. Any voter who needs more information about Trump should also consider a lobotomy. “Off” night? What about the months before? And the days after? At the debate it was pets. Now it is geese. Next week - hamsters. The most undemocratic maneuver in political history? Every Biden primary voter also effectively voted for Harris. They were running on the same ticket. Biden stepped aside reluctantly but voluntarily. Trump? Remember the circus the Republicans called a nominating process? It was a celebration of sycophancy, cowardice, boot licking and lies. Capped off by 90 minutes of incoherence by an old man less qualified to be President than a fire hydrant.
Oh lord, this is pretty pitiful. Everyone is patting each other on the back for a terrible debate, from start to finish. No mention of what everyday citizens needed to hear that are just struggling to provide. And independents were not won over, period! Trump was off and VP Harris made no mention as to why she has not already advanced her wonderfully vague plans. Other than more government spending. Mind you the national debt is at 35 trillion and credit card debt is 1.14 trillion. This is more about I hate you - well I hate you more - nonsense. Biden was dropped like a “dog” and Harris was propped up by the same handlers that push Biden to the curb in one of the most undemocratic maneuvers in political history.
TJ you are your hero’s doppleganger. Your comments are predictable boring weird and sad
Michael, I have read many comments on this site. Your comment is one of the best, if not the best, I have ever read.
The one-sided fact-checking, the moderators' repeated interrupting of Trump, and the framing of many questions led to accusations that ABC was biased against Trump. Davis' comments to the L.A. Times seem to confirm that ABC sought to ensure through editorialized fact-checks — which themselves were not subjected to live scrutiny — that the Democrat on stage did not have another disastrous debate performance. ABC Moderator Linsey Davis admits to LA Times that she and David Muir were totally biased against Trump during the debate. To that point, Davis — who is a part of the same sorority as Harris — acknowledged that she is aware of bias accusations. However, she ignores them. "There is a stereotype that I am acutely aware of that I can’t be unbiased covering this moment," she told the L.A. Times. In other words, mainstream media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Now, what must happen, is that ABC's license be pulled for giving illegal donations to Democrat Communist Kabala Harris in the form of election interference.
Trump won the debate. Harris didn't move the needle. The polls on all the issues show that Trump still leads Harris on the economy and the immigration issue by double-digits. Harris gained nothing in the battleground states. Trump has moved up by 1 more point, 49-47%, nationally (according to the NYT). Millions of Americans, including Democrats, and CNN journalists, were appalled by ABC's blatant bias against Trump and the fact that Harris NEVER ANSWERED ONE QUESTION ASKED OF HER!!!!!!!! It is evident all over social media, including FACEBOOK, TWITTER X, TIK TOK, et al. Trump set Harris and her 2 "friendly" moderators up to show the world how the mainstream media, specifically ABC, is so biased. Moderator Linsey Davis introduced Harris to her husband. Davis and Kabala Harris are both sorority sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. This comes from the All of this information on Harris is worldwide news. There were at least 21 comments made by Harris that were false and fraudulent, like the Charlottesville KKK fraud which was debunked numerous times, and attacking Trump for being found guilty of 34 counts of what legal scholars cannot figure out what the charge(s) are. Trump will win this on appeal. Harris was never fact-checked by the ABC moderators, while they fact-checked Trump 7 times (wrongly). Once again, ABC showed extreme bias against Trump. And, let's not forget that Harris had the questions and answers before the debate began. She also had earrings which were identified by experts as an audio earpiece that she could listen to what she was being told by someone on the other end!!!!!!!
Ditto Michael S!
Remember how giddy Republicans were in June when Felony Donnie out-debated President Biden? How are they feeling now? This past Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris so thoroughly manhandled The Donald that his face color matched his hair at the end of the year 90-minute confrontation. Ironic, isn't it, that one of the biggest misogynists ever to serve in government was taken down by a woman? Prior to the debate, Trump was dismissive, condescending, and over-confident, saying he hadn't done much preparation. After all, he figured after forcing Biden out of the race, Harris would be easy pickings. Well...not so much. Harris, a former district attorney and Attorney General, prosecuted the case against a second term for Cheeto Hitler so overwhelmingly that, had this been a boxing match, it would have been stopped before the halfway point. I'm not going to go into all of the subjects discussed, but I will focus on some of the more bizarre exchanges. For example, the claim by Von Shitzinpants that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, were stealing people's cats and dogs...and eating them! ABC moderator David Muir immediately fact-checked that lie into oblivion, stating that the manager of that city had said there were no reported incidents of that kind. Trump's response was "Well, that's whai I heard"---which is the hallmark of the MAGAverse, making wild claims with no evidence whatsoever. Does he truly believe what he says? After the debate ended--which large numbers of Republicans joining Democrats in declaring Harris the winner of the debate--the convicted felon maintained it was his best performance ever, and claimed that Harris wanted another debate because she lost this one., Donnie. Kamala wants a opportunity to expose him for the joke he is a second time. And after Tim Walz exposes Just Dumb Vance for the junior con man he is, the GOP will want to stay as far away from a debate podium as possible. And the final twist of the knife came shortly after the debate when Taylor Swift posted, in no uncertain terms, her endorsement of the Harris/Walz ticket, which immediately led to Twitter twit Elon Musk to issue a vague threat to impregnate her, apparently ignoring that Swift’s boyfriend is a world-class athlete who could probably launch him into orbit with one of his SpaceX capsules. And, back to Trump, for someone who thinks he won the night, he spent a lot of time blaming his performance on the moderators, ABC News’ David Muir and Linse Davis, for having the temerity to fact-check his BS and call him out on it. Felony Donnie now claims that, if somehow elected, he will have the FCC revoke the network's broadcast license--which a president has no authority to do and would immediately get shut down, even by his hand-picked perjurers on the Supreme Court. He also wants to jail late-night talk show hosts such as Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Myers, Bill Maher and others, as part of his campaign of retribution. Donald should be working on how to avoid spending the rest of his life in a federal prison, because once he loses the election, that's the fate that awaits him. And finally, have you noticed that the Sussex County Republican Party has gone radio silent since the debate? They must have full bellies from all the crow they're being forced to chow down on. Especially their fearless leader, Comrade Joe Labarbera, who staked what little of his reputation he has left on a unilateral declaration of his organization's support for Felony Donnie. Maybe if ever gets another chance, he'll check himself before he puts his foot in deeper doo-doo. The embarrassment Labarbera and his sycophants will feel after the election will be epic.