Thursday's Assembly And Senate Board Lists

The Senate board list for the Thursday June 27th voting session:
A841 | Emp, regional-coll devel prog meet needs |
A3726 | Food waste recycling-concerns |
A4115 | NJ STARS-clarifies cert elig |
A4552 | Dogs and cats-proh. leasing |
A5385 | Container e-liquid-concerns sale & tax |
A5527 | Long-term care fac.-outbreak plan req. |
A5604 | Angel Investor Tax Cred Act-qual invest. |
ACR233 | Finan. Plan-approves FY2020 |
S253 | Emp, regional-coll devel prog meet needs |
S601 | Solar energy generation fac.-recycle |
S1206 | Food waste recycling-concerns |
S1318 | Family justice centers-estab. |
S1364 | Wildwoods Tourism Improvement-funding |
S1403 | St.-admin. retir. sys.-SPRS svc. credit |
S1435 | Winery/viticulture attractions-advertise |
S1739 | Co. correction officer-rename |
S1832 | Pub. sch. teachers-loan redemption prog. |
S2045 | Deaf-concerns early language develop. |
S2049 | Health care prof.-auth. cert. req. |
S2298 | Angel Investor Tax Cred Act-qual invest. |
S2321 | Opioid antidote-library maintain supply |
S2507 | Dental prov. networks, cert.-concerns |
S2691 | Human Trafficking Comm.;$100K |
S2787 | NJ STARS-clarifies cert elig |
S3042 | SHBP, SEHBP-creates subaccounts |
S3254 | Rutgers Civic Leadership Summer Prog. |
S3531 | Dogs and cats-proh. leasing |
S3877 | Container e-liquid-concerns sale & tax |
S3900 | Long-term care fac.-outbreak plan req. |
S3987 | East Orange General Hosp.;$7.5M |
SCR163 | Viol. Against Women Act-Cong. reauth. |
SCR166 | Ed. Opportunity Fd. Bd.-modernize reg. |
SCR168 | Infra. Bank-approve FY2020 Finan. Plan |
SJR129 | Puerto Rico Day-desig 3rd Sunday of Sept |
The Assembly board list for the Thursday June 27th voting session:
A1833 | Juv. depression screenings-benf coverage |
A3717 | Pharmacy benf. mgrs.-concerns |
A3726 | Food waste recycling-concerns |
A3769 | Cardiac svcs.-DOH lic. cert. qual. hosp. |
A3775 | Superintendent of sch.-reg. max. salary |
A4098 | Teachers, cert.-estab. grant prog. |
A4507 | Campaign fds.-concerns use |
A4814 | Transient accommodation taxes-concerns |
A5047 | Law Enforcement Addiction Intervention |
A5369 | Patient Prot. Act-health care svc. req. |
A5385 | Container e-liquid-concerns sale & tax |
A5425 | Substance treatment fac.-referrals |
A5611 | East Orange General Hosp.;$7.5M |
ACR165 | Huntington's Disease Parity Act-urges |
AJR28 | Natl. Flood Insur. Prog.-reauth. |
S692 | Superintendent of sch.-reg. max. salary |
S2660 | Teachers, cert.-estab. grant prog. |
S2943 | Campaign fds.-concerns use |
SCR29 | Huntington's Disease Parity Act-urges |