Toby Anderson Nabs an Out-of-State Endorsement

Casha and company

The man from Ohio says Republican Toby Anderson should represent New Jersey's 11th District in Congress.

That would be Robert Paduchik, who chairs the Ohio Republican Committee. In a video sent out by the candidate's campaign, Paduchik says Anderson is a fighter for parents rights, secure borders and economic freedom.

Anderson, who probably wishes Paduchik could vote in New Jersey, was a political unknown when he began his CD-11 campaign, but he just missed making the runoff for the coveted endorsement of the Morris County Republican Committee. Tayfun Selen won the "line," by defeating Larry Casha.

Casha bowed out of the race, but Anderson remains a candidate.

Besides Paduchik, Anderson announced endorsements from Councilman Sean Mabey of Kinnelon, Jonathan Sym, who ran unsuccessfully for state Assembly last year in District 27, and Steve Rogers, a retired Nutley police lieutenant and formal Navy intelligence officer.

Rogers leads Campaign 4 America, a group that says it vigorously opposes "the socialist/communist movement being advanced in America."

More specific to the topic at hand, Rogers says Anderson is the "best positioned and qualified Republican" to defeat Democratic incumbent Mikie Sherrill this fall.

He added, "I believe that this year’s midterm election is not about the candidates who have money that special interests can count on. Instead, it’s about candidates who have a message that we the people can count on." And Anderson has that message, says Rogers.

Still, this seems like a pretty heavy lift.

Besides Morris, Selen also has the endorsement of the Essex County Republican Committee. And another candidate, Paul DeGroot, has the endorsement in Passaic.

One can certainly win running "off the line," but it can be tough to get primary voters to look for you on the ballot. The attraction of a county endorsement is having a preferential ballot position.

Anderson is trying by seeking support from the party's most conservative voters. In a recent video on his campaign page, Anderson rails against pandemic "martial law" and near the end of his 11-minute or so address, says that President Biden should be impeached.

Previous comments for: Toby Anderson Nabs an Out-of-State Endorsement

  1. NoMoreMarxistsInDC says:

    If Anderson is from Morris County, District 11 has the most constituents from Morris County. I live in the 11th, but in Passaic. I'm not enamored with Passaic County Republicans, who seem to go along to get along. As a former candidate for the 8th Congressional District in 1990 that ran on a very pre-MAGA ticket, I would support Anderson for Representative for the 11th District. He has the best chance, so long as he can get his message out there that he's a Conservative for America, and not for the special interests.

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