Tom Barrett's New Jersey's Irish American Leaders: 2017 Edition

[caption id="attachment_1495" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Maggie Moran[/caption]
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day and its month long celebrations and festivities, this year presents the profiled list of statewide leaders and activists as a salute to New Jersey’s Irish Americans.
It’s an annual tribute to what’s often referred to as the ‘Irish high holy days’ and an acknowledgement of accomplishments, contributions and community service.
And, as in years past, the list includes both veterans of previous lists and quite a few newcomers, as well. Collectively, they have all demonstrated a commitment to their Irish American heritage.
[caption id="attachment_1487" align="alignleft" width="200"] Elizabeth Betty Sheehan Teevan[/caption]
The updated list was compiled to commemorate the 82th Anniversary of the Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The Newark march is the oldest Irish American parade in New Jersey (1936-present), interrupted only by WWII (1943-46).
This year’s Irish march in downtown Newark is scheduled for Friday, March 17th at 1:00pm.
[caption id="attachment_1486" align="alignright" width="200"] Rev. Edwin D. Leahy[/caption]
Grand Marshal Rev. Edwin D. Leahy, O.S.B. and Deputy Grand Marshal Elizabeth “Betty” Sheehan Teevan have been elected by delegates to lead this year’s parade.
Tom Barrett, compiler of the list, credits the Newark parade for its sense of tradition and staying power. Once again, the list is purely subjective.
We hope you enjoy it.
Joseph P. Brennan, Esq. Three-term Essex County Surrogate (retired). Twice elected West Orange Council president. Vietnam War vet. Awarded the Bronze Star. Former Grand Marshal of West Orange Irish Parade.
Laurel Brennan. Highly regarded South Jersey Labor leader. Secretary-Treasurer of the State AFL-CIO. 2014 recipient of The Evangelina Menendez Trailblazer Award.
Brian Boru, Inc. Honorees. (74th Anniversary): Jamie Cryan, West NY Town Administrator; Hon. Sharon A. Harrington, NJ Casino Control Commissioner; Maureen K. Hulings, Jersey City Irish Parade Coordinator and Msgr. Robert Harahan, Headmaster, Seton Hall Prep.
Declan Burke. “Man of the West” from Dunmore, County Galway, Ireland. Biochemistry degree from Ireland’s National University, Masters in Educational Policy & Leadership from SHU. MBA candidate at Rutgers. Assessment Director of the Educational Testing Service, Princeton.
Bobby Byrne. Acclaimed Irish-American musician and Grand Marshal of Belmar’s 43rd St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
[caption id="attachment_1060" align="alignleft" width="300"] As governor, WWII hero Byrne fought a boxing exhibition in Jersey City with The Greatest: Muhammad Ali.[/caption]
Brendan T. Byrne. Governor (1974-82). Last Democrat Governor to win re-election. Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for navigating B-17’s over Nazi Germany. Known for his intelligence and rapier wit. One of NJ’s most revered elder statesmen.
Eugene J. Byrne, Esq. Trustee of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of the Oranges and former Grand Marshal of Newark Irish Parade. Gene has marched in the NYC Irish parade every year for 60 years.
Michael D. Byrne. General Chairman of the Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Youngest sub-committee chairman in Parade history. Works for conservative candidates and causes, nationwide.
Tom Byrne, Jr. Former chairman/NJ State Democratic Committee, Son of former Gov. Brendan T. Byrne. Founder/Byrne Asset Management LLP. Member/ New Jersey Pension and Health Benefit Study Commission.
Brian Campbell. Finance Executive, Writer/Essayist. Silver Pen Award winner/ Star Ledger 2006. Grandson of George Bell/ 1961 Grand Marshal of Newark’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Dennis F. Carey, III. Well-respected Essex County Superior Court Judge. Grandson of the legendary Dennis “I run Essex” Carey (1953 – 1969) who engineered a 50,000 countywide votes plurality for JFK in 1960.
Michael Patrick Carroll. GOP State Assemblyman (R-25), member of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and the son of
[caption id="attachment_1099" align="alignright" width="151"] Carroll[/caption]
Maurice (Mickey) Carroll, former NY Herald Tribune reporter and director of the Quinnipiac Polling Institute.
Robert “Bobby” Carroll. Son of the late and famed labor leader ‘Big’ Jim Carroll of Heavy Construction Laborer’s Local 472 in Newark. Currently, a successful attorney in private practice in New Jersey.
Chip Cavanaugh. Well-regarded Chairman/Belmar & Lake Como St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Chip’s mom, Jackie, was 2013 Deputy Grand Marshal.
Dennis M. Cavanaugh. Former U.S. District Court Judge/ District of NJ whose mother was born in County Clare, Ireland. Related to the late Frank McGovern, the famous proprietor of McGovern’s Tavern in Newark.
James A. Cavanaugh. Former Essex County Freeholder, now successful Morristown restaurateur and President/Phoenix Contractors/Fairfield. Former Grand Marshal of the Nutley St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Mary Ellen Clyne, Ph.D. President and CEO/ Clara Maass Medical Center. Only person who holds a BSN, MSN and a Ph.D in Nursing from Seton Hall University. 2013 Essex County Irishwoman of the Year.
Eugene and Raymond Codey. Twin brothers, Gene a retired Superior Court Judge in private practice with Connell/Foley, LLP and Raymond, Business Manager for the Township of Madison.
Patricia Codey, SC, Esq. Accomplished attorney and a Sister of Charity. President/Catholic HealthCare Partnership of New Jersey.
Richard J. Codey. Served with distinction and bi-partisan praise as New Jersey’s Governor and as President of the NJ Senate. Strong advocate for mental health reforms. One of the most influential legislative leaders in New Jersey history.
Jere’ Cole. Essex County Sheriff’s officer (retired) and currently National Secretary of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Pat Colligan. Resolute, well-spoken President of the New Jersey State Police Benevolent Association representing almost 33,000 local, county, state & federal Law Enforcement Officers throughout New Jersey.
Jack Collins. Former Speaker of the New Jersey General Assembly. College Professor. Basketball Coach. Lawyer. Farmer.
Mary Higgins Clark. Renowned Irish story teller, award winning novelist, author of more than 42 books, (sales in the U.S. alone number over 80 million). Resident of Bergen County and Grand Marshal of the 2011 New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Patricia K. Costello. Essex County Assignment Judge (retired). Stellar judicial career that spanned 25 years including 10 years as top judge in NJ’s busiest courthouse. Essex County Irishwoman of the Year 2016.
[caption id="attachment_1215" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Coughlin[/caption]
Craig J. Coughlin. Democratic Assemblyman from Woodbridge (D-19). Craig serves on the Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee and as Chairman of the Labor Committee.
Mary Pat Foster Christie. New Jersey’s First Lady. Investment banker, University of Delaware grad, MBA Seton Hall University, ninth of 10 children born to an Irish Catholic family in the Philadelphia suburbs.
Essex County Irishwoman of the Year 2011.
Joseph Cryan. Union County Sheriff. Son of the late and legendary John F. Cryan. Former State Assemblyman and
[caption id="attachment_1456" align="alignright" width="300"] Cryan leads the charge.[/caption]
Chairman of the NJ Democratic State Committee. Candidate this year for NJ Senate in LD 20.
Michael Critchley. Highly regarded Defense Attorney, involved with numerous Irish American and charitable organizations. Known for his brilliance in court. Essex County Irishman of the Year 2016.
Kevin Cummings. President and CEO of Investors Bank, the third largest bank headquartered in New Jersey. 2012 Grand Marshal of Newark’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Sean Darcy. Well-known Democratic Party strategist, principal with Round World Consulting and former press secretary to Governor Richard Codey.
Erica Daughtrey. Popular and well-known Hudson County community activist. Currently serves as Communications Director for U.S. Congressman Albio Sires (D-8). 2016 DNC National Delegate.
Frank Dauksis. Second generation owner of Michael’s Roscommon House in Belleville, Frank is the 2017 Grand Marshal of the Nutley St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Ellen M. Davenport. Former Mayor of Maplewood/Essex County Freeholder who served as Secretary of NJ State Senate. Essex County Irishwoman of the Year (2009). Member, NJ Democratic State Committee.
Jimmy Davis. Former Bayonne police officer. Currently Mayor of Bayonne. Involved in numerous community fund raising including raising money for slain police officers and autism.
Ellen Marie Kelly Dickson. Former Mayor of Summit. Served two terms of City Council, including Council President.
Pat Diegnan, Jr. Assemblyman (D-18). South Plainfield. Graduate of Seton Law School, Pat is credited with spearheading legislation known as the most comprehensive laws on concussions in the country.
John J. Degnan. Chairman of the bi-state Port Authority of NY/NJ. Former NJ Attorney General, gubernatorial candidate and Vice-Chair and Chief Operating Officer of the Chubb Corporation. Harvard Law School graduate.
[caption id="attachment_1460" align="alignnone" width="4608"] From left: Essex Freeholder Len Luciano, Belmar Mayor Matt Doherty, and former Governor James McGreevey.[/caption]
Matt Doherty. Mayor of Belmar. Member of the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh; Ancient Order of Hibernians; trustee for the Belmar Art Council. 2012 Irishman of the Year, Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh.
Michael J. Doherty. GOP Member of NJ State Senate from Warren County. Graduate of West Point and Seton Hall Law School. Captain in the Army Reserves from 1985-93.
Ed Donnelly, President of the New Jersey FMBA. Seventeen year veteran, Union Fire Department.
Joe Donohue. Former (and legendary) Star-Ledger reporter. Now Deputy Director of the NJ Election Law
[caption id="attachment_1136" align="alignleft" width="300"] Joe Donohue, left, with Jeff Brindle.[/caption]
Enforcement Commission.
Mike Donohue. Former Chairman of the Cape May County Republican Committee.
Fr. Pat Donohue. 26-year Newark “Chaplain to the Irish.” Former Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in the Vailsburg section of Newark. 2015 Deputy Grand Marshal for the Newark Parade.
Ed Donovan. Popular Manasquan Borough Mayor, former Councilman and retired NJ State Trooper. Ed is the 2017 Grand Marshal of the Belmar/Lake Como St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Kathe’ Donovan. Former Bergen County Executive, Clerk and former Chairlady of the New Jersey Republican State Committee. Served on the Port Authority of NY/NJ.
Tim Dougherty. Popular two-term Mayor of Morristown. Chief engineer at the Prudential Center in Newark. 2017 candidate for re-election.
Joann Downey. State Assemblywoman (D-11/Monmouth). First elected in 2015, Joann serves on the Financial Institutions & Insurance Committee. among others. Trial Attorney with a Masters Degree in Social Work from Boston University and a JD degree from New York Law School.
Terry Duffy. Passaic County Freeholder and the ultimate Irishman. Proprietor of the famous Duffy's Tavern in Paterson.
Patrick C. Dunican, Jr. Chairman and Managing Director of the Gibbons Law Firm in Newark. Major supporter and 2013 Grand Marshal of the Newark Parade.
Margaret O’Boyle Dunigan. Active in numerous Irish American organizations. Former two term Bloomfield Councilwoman. Former Deputy Grand Marshal/Newark and Nutley St. Patrick’s Day Parades. 2015 Essex County Irishwoman of the Year.
Christopher Durkin. 2017 Essex County Irishman of the Year. Serves as Essex County Clerk. Son of the late Raymond M. Durkin. 2010 Grand Marshal/Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Sister Mary Walter Dwyer. Sister of Charity and sister of late State Senator Tom Cowan of Hudson County. Principal of Columba School in Newark for 27 years. Now on staff at St. Vincent’s Academy in Newark.
Joseph V. Egan. Assemblyman (D-17). New Brunswick City Council President for ten years and serves as Business Manager for the I.B.E.W. Local 456.
Tim Eustace. Assemblyman (D-38th). Elected in 2011 in a battleground district, the popular Eustace ascended to the chairmanship of the lower house's environment committee last year. First openly gay member to be elected to the state Legislature.
John J. Farmer Jr. Former NJ Attorney General, columnist and Dean of Rutgers Law School. Son of former Star-Ledger Editorial Page editor and columnist John Farmer, Traces his Irish roots to Counties Armagh, Kerry and Mayo. 2016 Newark Parade Grand Marshal.
Valerie E. Feeney. Stalwart member/Women of Irish Heritage. Former Chairlady of the NJ Irish Festival and former Essex County Irishwoman of the Year.
Brenda Flanagan. Correspondent for NJTV News.
Glen Gabert. Grand Marshal/Jersey City’s 55th annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. Glen is Hudson County Community College President. This year’s march honors Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Robert Caulfield as Irishman of the Year and Nora O’Rourke as Irishwoman of the Year.
Cornelius (Neil) Gallagher. Congressman from Hudson County (1959-73). As a Captain in U.S. Army, commanded a World War II infantry rifle company in General George S. Patton’s 3rd Army.
Jim Gannon. Morris County Sheriff. Descendant of Irish NYPD ddetective. Plays the bagpipes and played host to Irish tenor Ronan Tynan.
Susan H. Gartland. Former Caldwell Councilwoman and Mayor. Former Deputy Grand Marshal of the Newark Irish Parade.
Noreen M. Giblin of the Giblin clan: Tom, Patrick, Ted and Anne. Served in the McGreevey Administration. Former State Director for U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg. 2006 Essex County Irishwoman of the Year. Now with the Gibbons law firm’s Government Affairs.
Thomas P. Giblin. Assemblyman. Union Man. Irishman. Former Essex County Freeholder Board President and Essex County Surrogate. Served as both Essex County and NJ State Democratic Chairman. He and his dad are the only father and son to serve as both Chairman and Grand Marshal of the Newark Irish Parade.
Monsignor John J. Gilchrist. 60-year parish priest and Spiritual Director to Essex-West Hudson Labor Council and State AFL-CIO. Columnist for the Catholic Advocate.
Brendan Gill. Vice-President /Essex County Freeholder Board. 2017 Man of the Year Division # 9 AOH Montclair. 2014 Grand Marshal/ Nutley St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Accomplished campaign consultant who heads up the BGill Group. Campaign Manager, Phil Murphy for Governor.
Eileen P. Gilleece. NJ State Police Detective. Fellow with both JFK School of Government and United Nations Leadership School. Past President of Women of Irish Heritage (North). 2013 Newark Deputy Grand Marshal.
Don Gilmartin. Traces roots to County Roscommon. 2008 Newark Parade Grand Marshal. Founding member and Past President of the Essex County Police and Fire Emerald Society
William L. Gormley. Former State Senator and Judiciary Committee Chairman. Assemblyman (1977-1982). His father was former Atlantic County Sheriff. Notre Dame grad, Marine Corp captain.
John F. X. Graham. Founder/Verona based Fairview Insurance. Successful insurance executive with sons Michael and Ryan. Much sought after statewide fundraiser and political strategist. Friend of U.S. Presidents and Secretaries of State. Member of the Democratic National Committee. Publisher of InsiderNJ.
[caption id="attachment_736" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Guadagno campaigning last month in Ocean.[/caption]
Kimberly Ann McFadden Guadagno. (First) Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey, elected in 2009, re-elected 2013. Concurrently, New Jersey’s Secretary of State. Former Assistant United States Attorney. Elected 75th Sheriff of Monmouth County in 2007. GOP candidate for Governor, 2017
Eileen McGinley-Hannaford. Woman of the Year for the 63rd Anniversary Giblin Association fete’, which provides resources to support civic, charitable and community causes.
Don Hannon. Owner and operator of family Carpet and Home Furnishing business based in Union, NJ since 1933. Former Newark Parade Grand Marshal and former Chairman of the NJ Irish Festival.
Joseph A. Hayden, Jr. Much sought after Criminal Defense Attorney. Former Deputy State Attorney General and law secretary to the Chief Justice/ NJ Supreme Court. Served on the Democratic National Convention's Rules Committee. 2016 Democratic National Convention Delegate. Renowned for his high-profile criminal cases.
[caption id="attachment_1489" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Healy[/caption]
Jerramiah Healy. Former Jersey City Mayor and Chairman of the Hudson County Democratic Committee. Renowned singer of Irish Ballads.
Elmer J. Herrmann, Jr. Supporter/Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of the Oranges. His mother, Theresa Elizabeth, was the niece of Charles P. Gillen, Newark’s only Irish born Mayor (Roscommon) and the Newark Parade’s first Grand Marshal (1936).
Pat Hobbs. Well-respected and popular former Dean of Seton Hall Law School. Currently serving as Rutgers University’s Athletic Director.
Matthew Holleran. Young Irish American leader, related to the Durkin’s of Essex County and an executive with a Middlesex County security firm.
[caption id="attachment_1490" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Hughes[/caption]
Brian Hughes. Son of the late Governor and Supreme Court Chief Justice Richard J. Hughes. Currently serving his fifth term as Mercer County Executive. Elected to a two-year term in 2016 as President of the County Executives of America, a national, non-partisan organization.
John Hughes. Also, son of the late Governor Richard J. Hughes. Retired from the Federal bench and is currently engaged in mediation work.
Leo J. Hurley. Partner/Connell Foley’s Commercial Litigation & Real Estate Group. Selected by NJ Law Journal as one of “New Leaders of the Bar”. Former Assistant Prosecutor/ Hudson County. Trustee of 200 Club.
Kathleen Ginty Hyland. Former Mayor/Morris Township. Former Grand Marshal and ‘Unofficial’ outfitter of the Morris County St. Patrick’s Parade. Owner of Ginty’s Irish Gifts in Morristown.
Sean Jackson. Vice president of Lambertville-based Rosemont Associates and former State Director and top aide to former U.S. Senator Robert Torricelli.
Stephen Kealy. Legendary labor leader and former Business Agent (retired) for flagship LIUNA Local 472 of Newark.
[caption id="attachment_1469" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Kean[/caption]
Sean T. Kean. State Assemblyman/ (R-30) Monmouth County. Traces roots to County Cork, Ireland. 2011 Irishman of the Year/ Order of the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh/ Jersey Shore. Sponsor of legislation celebrating Irish-American contributions to American society.
Mary Boyle Crerand Keaney. President/Women of Irish Heritage - Jersey Shore. Served as Treasurer and Trustee. Brick Township resident, traces her roots to County Mayo, Ireland. Served as Deputy Grand Marshal of the 2014 Belmar/Lake Como St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Msgr. Mike E. Kelly. President, Seton Hall Prep, oldest Catholic prep school in NJ. His Holiness Pope John Paul II named Msgr. Kelly as a Prelate of Honor. In 1990 appointed liaison to the Irish Community in the Archdiocese of Newark.
James J. Kennedy. Assemblyman (D-22). Elected in 2015. Former Rahway Mayor, lobbyist. Principal, Skye Consulting, LLC.
John C. Kennedy. Judge of the Superior Court, Appellate Division. Former Corporation Counsel/Jersey City. Fellow: Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource Center in Washington, D.C.
[caption id="attachment_1702" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Kennedy[/caption]
Patrick Joseph Kennedy. Former Rhode Island Congressman, son of Senator Ted Kennedy and nephew of JFK. The Massachusetts native is now a resident of Brigantine, NJ where he works as a mental health advocate.
Bernard F. Kenny. Former member of both the NJ General Assembly and NJ State Senate. Served with distinction as Senate Majority Leader. Former Grand Marshal/Man of The Year for Hoboken’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Held the rank of Lieutenant in the United States Navy.
Kenneth F. Kunzman. Partner/ Connell Foley law firm. President, St. Patrick’s Guard of Honor. Dedicated to providing scholarships for needy students for community service. US Air Force Captain (1962-1965) and 2010 Grand Marshal of the West Orange Parade.
Rev. Edwin D. Leahy, O.S.B. Grand Marshal of the 82nd Anniversary Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Rev. Leahy has served as Headmaster of St. Benedict’s Prep in Newark since re-opening in 1973. He is a 1963 school graduate. With more than 550 students, the Prep is considered a national example of excellence in urban education.
Gerald P. Lenihan. Currently, Director of Security at Seton Hall Law School. Essex County Prosecutor’s Office (retired). Former Grand Marshal and General Chairman of the Newark Parade and the NJ Irish Festival.
Steve Lenox. Former Lautenberg state director and head of Lenox Consulting. President of the Irish Network USA - and holds dual citizenship.
Jim Logue. President of the Burlington County St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee.
Robert Lynch. Well-known proprietor of the Kilkenny Ale House on Central Avenue in Newark. Past recipient of the Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee’s Irish Heritage Award.
Barbara A. Lyons. Irish American Cultural Institute. Board of Directors/ Treasurer and Chair of Annual Washington St. Patrick’s Day Ball. 2014 Woman of the Year/ Giblin Association. Former West Orange Deputy Grand Marshal. Member/ Women of Irish Heritage.
Kelly Stewart Maer. With more than 20 years of legislative and lobbying experience, Kelly is currently Director of Public Affairs with Capital Health Systems. She serves as Treasurer of the NJ Dem State Committee.
Colleen M. Mahr. Popular Mayor of Fanwood Boro. Former President/New Jersey Conference of Mayors. Serves as Vice-Chair of the Union County Democratic Committee. Director of Business Dev. for DMR Architects.
[caption id="attachment_121" align="alignnone" width="1024"] McCabe, with Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie.[/caption]
Kevin McCabe. Influential Middlesex County Democratic Party Chairman. Seasoned political veteran. Former Chairman /Woodbridge Democratic Committee. Served as NJ Labor Commissioner.
Shane Michael McClafferty. 2017 Deputy Grand Marshal of the Nutley St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Born and raised in Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland, Shane is a NJ State Trooper.
John E. McCormac. In 2006, elected Mayor of Woodbridge, the oldest original township in the state of New Jersey. Former New Jersey State Treasurer.
Mary McCormick. BSN, MSN, NP-C, Seton Hall University grad. Summit Medical Group. Frequent Ireland traveler and outstanding golfer.
Frank McEnerney. Accountant and member of numerous Irish American organizations. Long time Parade official in West Orange. Former Irishman of the Year for the County of Essex.
Jack McGarry. Retired East Orange PD detective sergeant and acclaimed piper with the Essex County Emerald Society Police & Fire Pipe Band. 2006 Grand Marshal of the West Orange Parade.
Jennifer Nagle McGovern. Founder/Director of the award winning DeNogla-Ardmore Academy of Irish Dance started with her sister Alison in 1993. Five locations in Tri-State area. 2010 Newark Deputy Grand Marshal.
Philip F. McGovern. Jr. Managing Partner of Connell Foley law firm and a member of the firm’s Executive Committee. Received the “Irish Legal100” Award 2015- 2016 and named Best Lawyers in America 2013-2017.
Sean McGovern. Former Roseland councilman. Newark based attorney and well-known proprietor of McGovern’s Tavern in Newark.
James E. McGreevey. Elected New Jersey Governor 2001. Former State Assemblyman/State Senator. Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade Grand Marshal (2001). Executive Director/Employment & Training for Jersey City. Lauded for pioneering prison reform efforts. His grandfather, Francis, was known to be an associate of legendary Irish patriot Michael Collins, himself.
John E. McGuire, Jr. Giblin Association Treasurer. Former member of NYPD and decorated veteran Detective/ Essex County Sheriff’s Department (retired). 2004 Essex County Irishman of the Year.
Patti McGuire. Former Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor Jon Corzine, former aide to U.S. Senator Robert Menendez. Successful lobbyist and officer of New Leaders Council of NJ.
John McKeon. Highly regarded State Assemblyman (D-27). Judiciary Committee Chairman. Former Mayor of West Orange, attorney and long time organizer of the West Orange St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Owen McNany, President of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of the Oranges, Inc.
Jim McQueeney. Former White House Bureau Chief and Star-Ledger reporter. now a successful public relations executive, political analyst and the host of New Jersey Now, on My9 (WWOR-TV). Served as Chief of Staff for U. S. Senator Frank Lautenberg. Roots in County Leitrim.
Mary Ellen McVeigh. Curator of Education, Liberty Hall Museum at Kean University, home of NJ’s first elected governor William Livingston, signer of the Constitution, Mary Ellen holds a Masters Degree from SHU and her family hails from the Irish Aran Islands.
Rosemarie L. Mellody. 2015 Grand Marshal/Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade, the first woman Grand Marshal in the parade’s 82-year history. A resident of Upper Montclair, she is a native of County Longford, Ireland.
Maggee Miggins. Successful Maplewood/Short Hills real-estate broker. Served as Deputy Grand Marshal of Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Much sought after soloist in the church choir.
[caption id="attachment_1491" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Moran with Joe Cryan.[/caption]
Maggie Moran. Managing Partner of Kivvit, a national Public Affairs firm. Former Deputy Chief of Staff/Governor Jon Corzine. Leader in state politics. Former State Director for both NJ Senators Corzine and Lautenberg.
Tom Moran. Veteran Editorial Page Editor/ Political Columnist for the Star-Ledger where, as he once told the NYT’s, he has “a front-row seat on the spectacle of New Jersey politics.”
Paul D. Moriarty. Assemblyman (D-4) and former Washington Township Mayor. Elected to the General Assembly in 2006, Paul is a former Emmy award winning investigative journalist.
William ‘Bill’ Mullen. President of the powerful NJ State Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO. Former president of Ironworkers Local 11. Well thought of by legislative leaders in Trenton.
Paul Mulshine. Well-respected journalist since 1975. Grew up in Toms River. Worked for the Philadelphia Daily News. Star-Ledger since 1995. Regards himself as perhaps the sole remaining old-time conservative columnist at a major American newspaper.
John J. Murphy. Partner/Morristown Financial Group. Five (3-year) terms/ Morris County Freeholder Board, Two terms/ Morris Township Committee, and two years as Mayor of Morris Township. Awarded Fire Department's Medal of Honor for saving a child from a burning building in 2015.
Mary K. Murphy. Executive Director, North Jersey Transportation Authority. 2017 Essex County Irishwoman of the Year.
Michael Murphy. Former Morris County prosecutor and gubernatorial candidate in the 1997 Democratic primary. Finished a strong third behind Jim McGreevey and Congressman Rob Andrews. Now a successful lobbyist and a member of the Waterfront Commission.
[caption id="attachment_1493" align="alignnone" width="3456"] Ambassador Murphy[/caption]
Philip D. Murphy. Ambassador to Germany (2009-2013). Former Goldman Sachs Exec and national finance chairman for the Democratic National Committee. Now heads up nonprofit advocacy org. New Start New Jersey. Considered front-runner for Governor, 2017.
Carolyn A. Murray. Acting Essex County Prosecutor. Former counsel to NJ Attorney General, graduate of Georgetown University (cum laude) and NYU Law School. 2012 Essex County Irishwoman of the Year and 2013 honoree of the Friends of Brian Boru.
Joe Nolan. 2017 Grand Marshal/Union County St. Patrick’s Day Parade. A veteran radio announcer, Joe can be heard as the P.A. announcer at High Point Solutions Stadium for Rutgers Football and at MetLife Stadium for the New York Jets. Owner/ founder of NJ Internet Radio.
Bill O’Dea. Author of The Legacy of Haguesville. In 1985 was the youngest member ever elected to the Jersey City Council at age 26. Member of the Hudson County Freeholder Board.
Jason O’Donnell. Principlal with Kivvit, a national Public Affairs firm. Former member of the State Assembly (D-31).
[caption id="attachment_1028" align="alignright" width="206"] O'Donnell[/caption]
First elected in 2010. Former Public Safety Director and Bayonne Fire Captain.
Kevin O’Dowd. Cooper University Health Care Executive. Former Chief of Staff for Governor Chris Christie.
Brendan (Dan) O’Flaherty. Economics Prof/Columbia University, Marathon runner, political strategist, author, Trustee/Newark Historical Society.
[caption id="attachment_1466" align="alignleft" width="300"] Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon of Monmouth County.[/caption]
Declan O’Scanlon. Veteran Republican Assemblyman/ Monmouth County (R-13) known for advocating improvement for drivers who travel on the
state's roads. Candidate for NJ State Senate, 2017.
Kevin O’Toole. New Jersey State Senator (R-40). Former Essex County Republican Chairman. 2015 Essex County Irishman of the Year. Recently nominated as Commissioner to the bi-state Port Authority of NY/NJ.
Patrick Politano. Well-known Union County Democratic strategist, Patrick comes from a long line of O'Sheas on his mother's side.
Sean Pender. National Director of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), State AOH President and former Grand Marshal of the Hamilton St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Joan Quigley. Former State Assemblywoman/Jersey City. President and CEO/ North Hudson Community Action Corp. in Union City. Her column appears in the Jersey Journal every Tuesday.
Ann Quindlen. American novelist, journalist, and columnist, winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Graduate of South Brunswick High School.
Dermot Quinn. Professor of History at Seton Hall University and author of The Irish in New Jersey: Four Centuries of American Life.
Mike Quinn. 2017 Grand Marshal of the Morris County/Morristown St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Mike was instrumental in bringing the parade to Morristown from Wharton more than 25 years ago. Founding member of the Morris County Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick.
Mickey Quinn. Advisor to Majority Leader Greenwald.
Paul Reilly. Former Newark Deputy Mayor. Booster of the Essex-based Friends of Brian Boru. Master of Ceremonies for the Newark Parade.
Erin Rice. Former aide to U.S. Congressman Bill Pascrell, currently Coordinator of Community Relations/PAC at Local 825 of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE).
Celeste Riley. Former Assemblywoman; current Cumberland County Clerk. Family hails from County Cork and County Mayo.
Joseph “Joe” Roberts, Jr. Former Camden County Freeholder Director who went on to serve with distinction as Majority Leader and Speaker of the NJ General Assembly.
Mary Robinson. Madison resident. Founder and Executive Director of Imagine, center for Coping With Loss. Recently named NJ Hero of the Year
by NJ’s First Lady Mary Pat Christie.
Kevin J. Ryan. Essex County Undersheriff, former State Assemblyman and Grand Marshal of the 2003 Nutley St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Jack Sayers. 2015 Grand Marshal of the West Orange St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Lawyer, veteran of the Essex County Sheriff’s Dept. and Business Manager for West Orange Township.
Marguerite “Peg” Schaffer. Chair of the Somerset County Democratic Committee, Partner at Shain, Schaffer and Rafanello, PC. Known for her sharp wit and brilliance in and out of court. 2016 Delegate to DNC National Convention.
William “Bill” Scully. Legend in Irish circles for his quick wit, fine voice, his classic moustache, his short game in golf (which includes putting from sand traps) and as the long time proprietor and host of McGovern’s Tavern in Newark.
Miriam (Mims) Sheridan. Born in Dublin, renowned for her volunteerism and a strong supporter of parade efforts, Mims is the 2017 Deputy Grand Marshal of the Belmar/Lake Como St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Raymond Simione. Giblin Association 2016 Man of The Year. 20 year member and Chairman of the Association’s Board of Governors. Chief Engineer AT&T facility in Secaucus, NJ. Currently a Local 68 Executive Board Member.
Chris Smith. U.S. Congressman (R-4 NJ). Senior member/Foreign Affairs Committee, chairman of its Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organization Subcommittee. Recipient/American Ireland Fund’s Distinguished Leadership Award.
Guy Sterling. American journalist, author and historian. Graduate of the famed Columbia J-School. 35-year newspaper career as a reporter with Newark based Star-Ledger. The only New Jersey-based reporter to interview Richard Nixon after the former prez moved to the New York area.
Sister Frances Sullivan. Well respected Head of School for Mount St. Dominic’s Academy, Caldwell, NJ.
Stephen Sweeney. President of the NJ State Senate. Represents the 3rd Legislative District since 2002. Former Business Agent for Ironworkers Local 399 and now General Organizer for the Intl Assoc. Ironworkers.
Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Sheehan Teevan. 2017 Deputy Grand Marshal/Newark Irish Parade. Giblin Association 2016 Woman of the Year. Newark native, attended St. Vincent's Academy. Proprietor of The Full Shilling Irish Restaurant and Pub in NYC’s financial district.
Shawn E. Thomas-Sully. Chairman of the Jersey City Democratic Committee.
Cardinal Joseph William Tobin. Cardinal prelate to the Catholic Church and Archbishop of Newark, His Eminence grew up in a large Irish Catholic family as the oldest of thirteen children. Known as a ‘man of the people’, Pope Francis announced his elevation to Cardinal (one of 18 nationwide) in a papal consistory in November 2016 and was installed as Archbishop of Newark (1.5 million Catholics) in January 2017 marking the first time the Archdiocese is headed by a Cardinal.
Ann Twomey. Distinguished President of the Hospital and Professional and Allied Employees (HPAE), a state nurse’s union. Named Labor Leader of The Year by Rutgers University. VP/NJ State AFL-CIO. 2016 Delegate to the Democratic National Convention.
Virginia “Ginny” Treacy. Executive Director/Jersey Nurses Economic Security Organization (JNESO). Respected leader with 35 years of service to labor causes (retired)). 2008 Deputy Grand Marshal of the Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Meg Wastie. Columbia HS English instructor (retired) and currently Curator of Education at the Museum of Early Trades and Crafts, a non-profit educational institution and architectural treasure in Madison, NJ. Meg’s Irish lineage traces to Counties Cavan (Monaghans) and Cork (Sullivans).
Robert C. (Bobby) Williams. Trustee of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of
the Oranges. Attorney in private practice. Life long West Orange resident.
Jim Whelan. Member of the NJ State Senate (D-2) and former Mayor of Atlantic City.
Frank M. Yorke. Man of the Year for the 63rd Anniversary Giblin Association gathering which provides resources to support civic, charitable and community causes.
Daniel J. Zeisner. Director of Union Township Police. Grand Marshal of the 2009 Newark St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Former Newark police officer.
In Memoriam
Brendan Tevlin (1995-2014). Seton Hall Prep grad and University of Richmond freshman. Posthumously named 2015 Young Irishman by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of the Oranges.
Donations in his memory can still be made to: Brendan P. Tevlin ’13 Memorial Field Fund c/o Seton Hall Prep. 120 Northfield Ave., West Orange, NJ. 07052
Jamie Fox. (1954-2017). A good man. Respected 40-year career in New Jersey government and politics. Former NJ State Transportation Commissioner, Chief of Staff to Governor Jim McGreevey and U.S. Senator Bob Torricelli. Will be dearly missed.
I dont see Frank E. Rodgers name anywhere on the list. An oversight?
Proud to be included! Thank you!
Maurice (Mickey) Carroll grew up in Rutherford.