Tri-State Trump Caravan Cruises, Snarls the Garden State Parkway

This tonight from NBC News:
"The first tri-state caravan was spotted in New Jersey around noon when vehicles were seen stopped on the Garden State Parkway near Lakewood. The group's exact number was not clear, but multiple videos suggest the number was at least a couple hundred.
"Photos and videos collected by The Lakewood Scoop show countless vehicles decorated with American flags, Trump campaign flags, supporters wearing MAGA hats and even a Trump lookalike."
"Social media videos of the parade showed vehicles flying Trump flags and other banners coming to a standstill in the Parkway’s express lanes at one point, where some supporters got out of their cars and cheered the effort at one point.
"Other Twitter, videos showed the caravan traveling in the right lane and letting other traffic pass later on when the caravan crossed over to the local lanes."