Trump Allies Show up in Bedminster

BEDMINSTER - The passion and anger were real, but the crowd was not.

The group of Donald Trump supporters probably will grow as the night wears on, but as of 5:30 p.m., there were about 40 people at the most congregating outside the local library - just a few miles from Trump National.

If you've been to any Trump rallies the last four years, you know the drill.

Supporters waved American and Trump flags; many displaying support for Trump on their clothes. Those driving along busy Route 206 who agreed honked their horns, drawing cheers. One driver flashed a "Let's Go Brandon" sign and the crowd roared its approval.

The organizer was Terry Beck of Hillsborough, who said she was energized a few years ago when she saw "haters" congregating on the site.

She meant Trump opponents. A wide swath of land between the library building and 206 is public open space and is used for demonstrations of all stripes.

This afternoon, a guy with a Jews for Trump sign stood on the fringes of the rally and said it's unquestionable that God wants Trump to be president again. He had no doubt about that.

Two young men held a pro-Trump sign a few feet away and said they are proud of what Trump has done for the country.

Edward X. Young of Point Pleasant said he was an actor in horror films. Something about that seemed to make sense in the context of today's politics.

Young said Trump did great things for the working man as president and that he "would take a bullet for him."

These comments are the norm among Trump's most devoted followers, suggesting that the former president's hold on his supporters is truly unshakable.

In referencing the latest indictment, there were comments like, all other presidents have done the same thing and Hillary (no last name needed) remains the real villainess. Young said she should be in jail for life.

Beck said she has not read the entire indictment about Trump's alleged misuse of classified information, but she's read about it. Her take:

"It's all part of the play, it's fake, it's made-up."

Previous comments for: Trump Allies Show up in Bedminster

  1. Terry Beck says:

    So enough time has transpired since June 13, 2023 how do you all feel about Biden‘s policies? His crisis’ that he has caused and now that so many undocumented illegals are in our country. How do you feel about the crime and most importantly would you still acknowledge and thank China Joe Biden for doing such a great job if your daughter, female relatives or friends got raped by an undocumented illegal, you liberals will never understand that the country was built as a republic from our founding fathers. Check your history and learn to respect and honor the USA constitution respect the flag, and if you can’t, I strongly suggest you get off of our great soil because you are a problem to the bigger problem in the world!!!! oh and by the way, how do you like fight inflation? Are you hungry yet? Do you have gas to go to work? How are your 401(k)s and Investments doing? you lose enough money yet? Do you happy about that? So tell me then, what has Biden done positive for you lately?

  2. Heinrich Himmel says:

    Hey Goobers. Keep sending money to the guy flying a private airliner and getting 8 black suburban to take him to court. Give him all your money. And then complain about your taxes. Oh and then gon work 10 hour days for some guy who has 2 or 3 homes. One on the shore. One in Florida who doesn't pay his taxes and his employees and blame Mexicans who come here to work hard and pick/pack/prep your food. Insolent jackasses. All of you trumpers.

  3. Sally S says:

    @Michael Schnackenberg - Such the keyboard warrior aren’t you. I’m quite sure you’d not say that to an actual person face to face, you’re so typical. The only Jerry Springer refugees are the lying lib basement dwellers, with their multi colored hair, thinking that getting handouts from the government and they their current president getting millions deposited into his bank from our allies is acceptable. Clown

  4. Heres Johnny says:

    stupid is as stupid does. hopefully trump goes to jail and you're all locked back in your closets or cellars.


    It's people like you that are destroying our country. Did you notice there were no professionally made signs like are shown at your liberal rallies funded by no other than George scumbag Soros.

  6. J J Jettflow says:

    Trump supporters will not believe anything other than what Trump tells them because they are on the same intelligence level as ISIS and Taliban followers. I would call them brainwashed, but you have to bring in the first place to have them "washed".

  7. Michael Schnackenberg says:

    They look like a bunch of refugees from Jerry Springer. Did KKK class at the trailer park end early?

  8. Michael Schnackenberg says:


  9. NoMoreMarxistsInDC says:

    Isn't it interesting that Joe Biden's wife, Jill Biden, was caught on mic saying she thought this indictment would turn Trump supporters and Republicans against Trump. She was visibly upset that the exact opposite happened. When you are from a lying, cheating, bribing, murdering corrupt crime family, as is the Biden Racketeering Crime Family, you deserve what you get.

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