Trump and Norcross. 2 Peas, 1 Pod 🛎


We already know that birds of a feather flock together. And it sure looks like President Donald Trump and NJ political boss George Norcross really have a lot in common!

“Yes, George is a friend of mine, but George is friendly with a lot of people in Atlantic City,” Trump said before becoming president. “I wish I had that kind of power.”

Nowadays, Trump definitely has that kind of power and more. And many tactics he used to get there are consistent with the Norcross playbook.

Let’s explore the similarities and some actual connective tissue.


Members of the Trump-owned Mara-a-Lago resort in Florida cough up a $200,000 initiation fee plus an additional $14,000 in annual dues. Guests staying the night also pay up to $2k/day for a room.

At those rates, they’ve priced out the rabble and that’s probably  relief for Mar-a-Lago member George Norcross . As you already know, when Norcross tries to mix with us regular folks, things can go sideways rather quickly.

From the looks of it, Trump really likes going to Mar-a-Lago to hold court.People have always clamored for access to the rich and powerful, an impulse that Trump has masterfully exploited without shame to line his own pockets.

And if runs into his old buddy George Norcross at the omelette station or on the links, that’s just a bonus.


Donald Trump and George Norcross both inspire an intense, sometime servile loyalty among their devotees.

“The polls, they say I have the most loyal people,” Trump famously said. “Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible.”

He was right.

Norcross’ South Jersey machine is similarly committed. From here it appears that no amount of corruption, poor governance, or abandonment of principles  (gay marriage, weed) will change that.

There are multiple investigations going on right now exploring Norcross’ parasitic hold on Camden City and South Jersey politics. As things heated (and with splashy, unflattering headlines raining down) his loyalists doubled down and then brandished their fidelity with vigor. Like when Norcross bussed up all those people to seal clap as he tried to justify lavish tax breaks to politically-connected firms with no accountability.

Jeff Van Drew (et al)

Norcross and Trump share a lot of the same men.

For example, when longtime Norcross acolyte Congressman Jefferson Van Drew defected to the GOP pledging “undying support” for Donald Trump, it was just more common ground between Norcross and Trump.

Isn’t it revealing that someone could effortlessly transition from one to the other?

But wait, there’s more.

When Donald Trump sued Timothy O’Brien for libel in 2009, Trump’s attorney was William Tambussi. The 2.5 billion (!) dollar suit came after O’Brien’s book TrumpNation: the Art of Being the Donald claimed that Trump wasn’t actually a billionaire.

By the time Mr Tambussi represented Trump, Tambussi was already Norcross’ top lawyer.

According to WNYC, Trump “didn’t file in New York, where O’Brien worked as a reporter, nor in North Jersey, where O’Brien lived. Trump sued in South Jersey, specifically, in Camden County, Norcross’ power center.”

Anyone familiar with South Jersey politics won’t be surprised at Mr. O’Brien’s hypothesis.

“We always believed that the reason they wanted the venue in Southern New Jersey was that Donald thought he could leverage political connections he had down there by virtue of the operations he also had in Atlantic City to get favorable treatment in the courts,” O’Brien said.

Donald Trump and George Norcross share more than just a lawyer.

Steve Ayscue is Norcross’ chief online defender. Anyone who doesn’t march to Norcross’ tune is a “phony progressive” because Norcross et al want to be the gatekeeper and  who’s progressive or not.  Which is platinum-level irony becaaaaaaause, per WNYC:

“In 2000, when Trump briefly toyed with running for president on the Reform Party ticket, one of Norcross’ top political consultants — a friend of Trump ally (and convicted felon) Roger Stone — worked for him.”

Any ideas who? If you guessed Steve Ayscue, then you’re correct!

When Matt Katz explored these connections back in 2016, I was frustrated the story didn’t get more traction.

It’s a different climate now. Finally.

Meanwhile, Norcross supporters call out “fake progressive” and MAGA-types still cry “fake news” all the time. It’s the same impulse to delegitimize anyone not saluting smartly.

Power over Principle

Remember the time the Norcross Democrats* sat on their hands and delayed gay marriage in New Jersey by 6 years? Remember the time Donald Trump threatened to ban vaping liquids, got negative blowback , and then reversed course?

That’s a shaky grasp on principles from where I stand.

(*South Jersey senators Steve Sweeney, Jim Beach, Fred Madden, Jeff Van Drew, Dawn Addiego, Dana Redd voted no or abstained on gay marriage)

In Conclusion, Donald Trump and George Norcross are a lot a like. I’ve got several more examples (a contempt for primaries, a penthouse in the sky, alternative media universe) but this feels like good time to wrap and to go make some homemade eggnog.

Jay Lassiter is a liberal who’s super happy to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!


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