Trump Backers Take the Boardwalk in Wildwood
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WILDWOOD - She never made it here from Philly.
If she did, she confessed, it was a long time ago, a vague memory, and now, as she came up against the boardwalk, her face very nearly registered bug-eyed disbelief at the sight of the sea.
There's an ocean here.
She didn't say it.
The body language in the knife-sawing cold off the beach told the story.
She was in Wildwood for one reason.
"Trump," the non-swimming fiercely winterized Trumpite told InsiderNJ, as she folded into the maw of bulky red phalanxes in the vicinity of the convention center.
A helicopter circled.
[caption id="attachment_76082" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Boardwalk sentinel.[/caption]
A man, ramrod in blue with the sea behind him, stood at the entranceway to the Wildwoods with a sign urging all able-bodied Trump backers to register to serve in the military.
No one argued.
All up and down the boardwalk vendors behind tables laid out with wares urged the frigid Trump troops to further arm themselves for the developing circus.
"Hey," said a bearded salesman, pointing at a blue cap fringed with white snowflakes.
"Don't look like a Democrat," he called in a friendly voice, pointing to a fire engine red winter cap in his outstretched hand.
[caption id="attachment_76085" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Boardwalk bikers.[/caption]
"Not since the inauguration," crowed a guy in his thirties to an older woman caparisoned in Trump paraphernalia, apparently referring to the last time he experienced festivities on par with the unfolding party on the boardwalk.
This was ground zero of where the man of the hour, his likeness fluttering in the cold literally like Rambo amid American flags and finery, planned to make his preliminary, counter-offensive 2020 stand in the face of impeachment, in the face of a blue state where the 2018 midterm congressional elections dealt his party multiple losses to rack a score of 11-1 in favor of Democrats. He had peeled one of those battleground victors away from the Democrats, and tonight would stand with U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-2) to make a national-sized case that even in New Jersey, Democrats, fearful of aligning with the forces of impeachment in a district Trump won in 2016, had come back to America, his America.
[caption id="attachment_76089" align="alignnone" width="4608"] A reveler[/caption]