Trump Drives FBI Man Turkavage from the GOP

Turkavage, right, with Bob Hugin.

Robert “Turk” Turkavage, the retired special agent with the FBI who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in the 2nd District in 2018 as an anti-Trump Republican, this morning said he’s done with the GOP, driven from the party by the President.

“I am going to the Atlantic County Board of Elections in Mays Landing later today to switch my affiliation from Republican to Democrat,” Turkavage (above, right, with Bob Hugin) said. “Trump’s ‘scum’ comment about the FBI last evening in Hersey, Pa., was very disturbing and made me realize that I cannot support this President and the Republican Party that continues to allow his lawlessness to go unchecked.”

At a rally in Pennsylvannia last night, Trump lashed out at the FBI calling staff of the agency ‘scum,’ according to Business Insider.

“When the FBI uncovered evidence showing that we did absolutely nothing wrong, which was right at the beginning, they hid that exonerating, you know that, they hid it,”  Trump claimed.

That comment was seemingly a reference to a finding in the report that there were significant “omissions” in the FBI’s application for a wiretap of Carter Page, a Trump campaign official.

It was too much for Turkavage, who won the Cumberland County Republican Party line in 2018 on his way to losing the nomination to Seth Grossman, who lost the general elecction to U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-2).

“As a congressman, you want to not only survive but succeed in this sea of polarization called Congress,” he told a roomful of Republicans in Vineland that year.

For 32 and a half years, he served as a special agent. Supervised a public corruption squad in New York City. Was across the street when the towers came down on 911.

“When I was a supervisor in the bureau, I dealt with conflict on a daily basis. I will get along in order to get things done,” he said.

Cross-purposes with the Trump wing of the party defined his ill-fated candidacy for Congress.

This from InsiderNJ in 2018:

The collision between President Donald J. Trump and the FBI has its counterpart – and ramifications regarding the soul of the GOP – in the developing 2nd Congressional District Republican Primary, where frontrunner Hirsh Singh – a Trump backer who wants the President to fire special prosecutor Robert Mueller – faces criticism from Robert “Turk” Turkavage, a retired special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Singh backs Trump, who’s at odds with the FBI, the agency from which Turkavage retired.

The Republican Party built a pre-Trump brand as the law and order party. That’s Turkavage’s view in any event, which puts him especially at odds now with the Trump-defending Singh, the CD2 frontrunner based on his having won half (four of eight) the county lines in CD2. In his speeches to rank and file Republicans at county conventions last month, Singh routinely identified himself as pro Trump. Presenting himself as moderate, Turkavage, for his part, won a single line.

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5 responses to “Trump Drives FBI Man Turkavage from the GOP”

      • Well, I won’t list getting you to say something lame as an accomplishment. You likely do that all the time.

        But I’ll tell you what, it wouldn’t take me three years, one after getting slapped down in a primary, to realize my values and principles are best represented by the party which is the total opposite of the one I am in now. Only bozos and the worst kind of politicians can do that on the spur of the moment and brag about it to the media.

        And that makes me think he intends on running again as a Dem, in which case it will be fun to see him graduate to two time, second tier loser … and a bozo, to boot..

  1. he was always a liberal and he was lame at fighting corruption also ….NY. Nj is over run with corrupt politicians and has been for decades ..guess he slept on the job

  2. Turkavage & wife embarrassed themselves at last year’s Atlantic County GOP convention with loud temper tantrum melt down after they lost our line to Singh. They both got in my face and shouted “despicable” at me for truthfully referring to Turkavage as “Never Trump Turk” throughout primary campaign. In that one moment, they demonstrated the raw hatred of FBI insiders to Trump & his voters long before IG report. Last month, Turkavage published a letter denouncing Democrat VanDrew for not voting to impeach Trump.

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