Where the Trump Endorsement Falls in CD-11

It's generally a good thing to have the president of the United States on your side.
And Jay Webber, the Republican candidate in CD-11, can proudly boast that President Trump is all in for him.
Here is what Trump tweeted about Webber last week.
"He is outstanding in every way. Strong on Borders, loves our Military and our Vets. Big Crime fighter. Jay has my Full and Total Endorsement."
It can be hazardous to examine Trump's tweets too closely, but even a cursory glance must provoke some comment.
It's interesting that the president says Webber loves the military and the nation's vets. He may very well have genuine affection for those who served, but one can not overlook the fact that neither Trump nor Webber are veterans. But Mikie Sherrill, the Democratic candidate in the district, is.
The president also saw the need to praise Webber, who is now a state assemblyman, as a "big crime fighter."
It's hard to know what that means. But one thing is sure, crime is simply not a big issue in CD-11.
Webber, not surprisingly, responded with a thank you tweet.
"I look forward to working with you to make the people (of NJ-11) and across America even more prosperous and free," he said.
Trump's endorsement was not the first campaign interaction between Webber and the president's administration. Over the summer, Vice President Mike Pence hosted a fundraiser for Webber in Morris Township.
It is instructive to point out that Webber is one New Jersey Republican who supports the recent Trump tax plan, the signature domestic achievement so far of his administration. Many Republicans are shying away from the plan, because it caps deductions for state and local taxes at $10,000. Webber doesn't like the cap, but he maintains that the overall plan is greatly responsible for the nation's strong economy, which benefits New Jersey.
We began this report by saying it "generally" is a good thing to get endorsed by the president. Now comes the other side of generally.
Trump's approval rating in New Jersey is far less than 50 percent.
The recent Monmouth Poll found that the president's approval rating in CD-7, which is somewhat similar to District 11, is at a mere 39 percent. His disapproval rating was 55 percent.
Can things be that much different in the 11th? Doubtful.
What definitely is not in doubt is that Trump is arguably the main reason for the increased enthusiasm we have seen on the left for more than a year now.
Republicans in New Jersey and similar locales already have a problem this election cycle, simply because they're Republicans. A Trump tweet endorsing Webber can compound that problem.
Webber was obligated, of course, to publicly thank the president for his tweet of support.
But he's not really obligated to do anything else.
So the hunch here is that we won't see a Webber TV commercial highlighting the Trump endorsement.
But one should not be shocked if Sherrill puts one together.
The primaries were back in June. I the general election neither candidates for congressional races identify their party affiliation in their advertising. There's no point. We all know who the Republian loser is. Jay Webber.
Mikie Sherrill is more likely to pledge to caucus with the GOP than to run an ad identifying herself with today’s demo party. Try to find the word “democrat” anywhere in her online websites or in her ads. While you’re at it, see if you can find her endorsement by Murphy or Menendez.