Trump Makes His Endorsement for U.S. Senate in New Jersey

Donald J. Trump today endorsed Christine Glassner Serrano for United States Senate in New Jersey.

The mayor of Mendham, Glassner Serrano is running in the Republican Primary against Curtis Bashaw.

“I was going to stay out of it but you’re running against a Christie person,” Trump said onstage in Wildwood.

Trump had Christie on his mind all day, more than once ridiculing him during his rally.

The Republican senate primary has been an under the radar type of thing.

It will be interesting to see if Trump’s endorsement changes anything.

Bashaw, by the way, had campaign staffers working the boardwalk on his behalf.

But this is a big boost for Serrano Glassner.

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17 responses to “Trump Makes His Endorsement for U.S. Senate in New Jersey”

  1. Whether you’re a Trumper or a never Trumper, Trump’s endorsement of Glassner is sound. Bashaw and his band of toadies (Testa, Condo, Zdan, Stanfield) aren’t just Christie bootlickers they’re by extension Norcross bootlickers. The South Jersey Dems appear to be putting their eggs in Bashaw’s basket as they abandon Kim. That’s fine, but loyal Rs shouldn’t necessarily follow suit.

  2. Trump’s endorsement of Glassner is a shot in the arm for Curtis Bashaw. This is not a Trump state, it is a state of citizens that want leaders that do the right thing, even if it is not popular with the extremists. Bashaw is not anybody’s bootlicker, he stands on his own two feet, not on Trump’s coattails!

  3. Just vote BLUE we don’t need the radical right in NJ. They accomplished nothing in a year and a half with the house majority in Washington. We don’t need four more years of tax breaks for the rich. Keep NJ BLUE!

  4. NJ is controlled by the NJEA!! Who are you kidding. I was a Christie supporter and voted for him twice. He stood up to that evil empire. Now he just silly and bloated!! NJ does nothing for the good. Crazy RE taxes out of control spending, auto and home insurance through the roof. Hard to make ends meet for the working class like my family. Sad thing is. Can never be fixed. No matter who is in office.

  5. Andy Kim is a great candidate that I’m genuinely excited about voting for. Trump sticking his nose in this only makes Kim’s chances better.

  6. Let vote the democrats rainbow President
    Joe Biden out .
    To save our country .
    Al the democrats are going to cry big time Trump gets it

  7. I have voted in EVERY PRIMARY ELECTION and will vote in this one. Since she got President Trump’s Endorsement that is certainly good enough for me. Christine gets my vote!

  8. Andy Kim helped clean up the mess that January 6 left behind. A true American! Trump is a disgrace to our country

  9. I will vote for Serrano because we have had enough of the Democratic BS we must take our state and Country back

  10. All the Dems proclaiming Trump’s support of Serrano Glassier will boost Bashaw chances… are simply displaying their TDS.

  11. Looks like Bashaw won and the brain dead Trump voters once again realized he’s electoral poison in NJ. Doesn’t matter though…Andy Kim will be our next Senator.

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