Post Game: Turnout Transformed by Post Work Showing

Stack World

Low voter turnout and wet weather early transformed into a better than expected Election Day turnout in the sunnier late afternoon and early evening as the favorites conquered their rivals.

Total turnout came to 705,000 by the time the election was over - a much better number than morning apathy indicated.

Neither party nominee for governor unofficially received 50% of the vote total. But the totals on the Democratic side reflected some energy in a blue state where D's outnumber R's by almost 800,000.

Unofficially, and without all precincts reporting, Dems had a turnout totaling 475,051*, compared to 230,571 for the GOP.

A more up to date and completed graph than the one at the bottom of the page is reprinted below:

Candidate Percent Votes
Philip Murphy (Democratic) 48.2% 237,984
Jim Johnson (Democratic) 21.9% 108,239
John Wisniewski (Democratic) 21.7% 107,157
Raymond Lesniak (Democratic) 4.8% 23,906
William Brennan (Democratic) 2.2% 11,055
Mark Zinna (Democratic) 1% 5,096
Write In (Democratic) 0.1% 462
99% Precincts Reporting, 493,899 Total Votes

Had either Wisniewski or Johnson bowed out of the race, the alternative left standing would have given Murphy a real contest - or so the numbers below suggest.

That said, Murphy and Guadagno handled their opponents.

Wisniewski and Johnson together outspent the Democratic front-runner on television in the closing days.

Finally, Hirsh Singh made a statement with a late money ad buy, coming in third in front of the busier early Rulloand Rogers.

Republican Primary

Candidate Vote Pct.
Kim Guadagno 108,722 47.2%
Jack Ciattarelli 70,374 30.5
Hirsh Singh 22,726 9.9
Joseph Rullo 15,133 6.6
Steven Rogers 13,616 5.9

94% reporting (6,016 of 6,386 precincts)

TrentonNewarkAtlantic CityTrentonNewarkAtlantic City




Democratic Primary

Candidate Vote Pct.
Philip Murphy 230,025 48.4%
Jim Johnson 103,451 21.8
John Wisniewski 103,049 21.7
Raymond Lesniak 23,162 4.9
Others 15,364 3.2

94% reporting (6,016 of 6,386 precincts)

*That was with 94% tallied.


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