Union County Clerk Will Livestream April 9 Ballot Drawing on Facebook

From Union County:

Union County, NJ – Due to ongoing efforts to stop the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, and a statewide prohibition on gatherings, Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi announces that the 2020 Primary Election ballot position drawing will be live-streamed on Facebook.  A link will be posted prior to the drawing.

The Primary Election ballot position drawing will be held on Thursday, April 9 at 3:00 p.m. as designated by law.

“The essential business of the 2020 election cycle will continue. My office will make use of the technology at hand to ensure that the mandated steps occur according to schedule while taking every available precaution to protect staff and the public at large,” said Ms. Rajoppi.

Ms. Rajoppi also advised voters to use a Vote-by-Mail ballot to participate in the upcoming Primary Election.

“With the outbreak of COVID-19, there is all the more reason to use a Vote-by-Mail ballot and ensure your voice is heard on Election Day,” she said.

Under New Jersey state law, any eligible voter can use a Vote-by-Mail ballot. There is no requirement to provide a reason. Every Vote-by-Mail ballot is counted in every election.

Voters who have never used a Vote-by-Mail ballot can apply for one now. Applications are available for download from the County Clerk’s elections website at unioncountyvotes.com.

To have an application sent by mail, call the County Clerk’s Elections Division at 908-527-4996.

For more information about all County Clerk programs and services, visit online at ucnj.org/county-clerk or call 908-527-4787.

For more information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, visit ucnj.org/coronavirus-update.

For general information about COVID-19 and phone contacts for 24/7 assistance with questions, visit the New Jersey Department of Health at nj.gov/health.

For more information about all County Clerk programs and services, visit online at ucnj.org/county-clerk or call 908-527-4787.

The statewide COVID-19 count is 25,590 cases and 537 fatalities,as of Thusday April 2nd, an increase of 3,489 cases and 182 deaths since Wednesday.

COVID-19 Cases by County
Data is provisional and subject to revision.

4,866 Positives Pending Further Information

4 Deaths Pending Further Information

Bergen County:

4,099 Positive Test Result(s)

120 Deaths

Essex County:

2,617 Positive Test Result(s)

99 Deaths

Hudson County:

2,270 Positive Test Result(s)

44 Deaths

Union County:

2,010 Positive Test Result(s)

34 Deaths

Middlesex County:

1,766 Positive Test Result(s)

48 Deaths

Passaic County:

1,750 Positive Test Result(s)

22 Deaths

Monmouth County:

1,458 Positive Test Result(s)

38 Deaths

Ocean County:

1,371 Positive Test Result(s)

38 Deaths

Morris County:

1,082 Positive Test Result(s)

40 Deaths

Somerset County:

549 Positive Test Result(s)

17 Deaths

Mercer County:

386 Positive Test Result(s)

4 Deaths

Camden County:

343 Positive Test Result(s)

6 Deaths

Burlington County:

294 Positive Test Result(s)

8 Deaths

Sussex County:

179 Positive Test Result(s)

7 Deaths

Gloucester County:

169 Positive Test Result(s)

2 Deaths

Hunterdon County:

130 Positive Test Result(s)

0 Deaths

Warren County:

116 Positive Test Result(s)

3 Deaths

Atlantic County:

50 Positive Test Result(s)

1 Deaths

Cape May County:

34 Positive Test Result(s)

0 Deaths

Cumberland County:

31 Positive Test Result(s)

1 Deaths

Salem County:

20 Positive Test Result(s)

1 Deaths


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