An Update on the Ongoing VBM Election in Paterson

In a ward election year in Paterson, the vote-by-mail (VBM) submissions so far break down as follows as of Saturday:
1st ward 1,139
2nd ward 3,283
3rd ward 2,142
4th ward 692
5th Ward 692
6th ward 490
The 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th look low, compared to 2016, where the following totals occured, especially the third, which Paterson insiders generally regard as the banner contest this year:
1st: 1,556
3rd: 2,606
4th: 1,730
5th: 1,966
6th: 2,803
The 2nd - 4,006 votes recorded in 2016 - looks similarly - if not more - robust this year, considering voters have until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12th to record their votes.
Will there be a mad rush for the finish line in this unprecedented municipal elections cycle?