Van Drew Body Slams Murphy

Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew released the following statement in response to  Governor Murphy’s comments regarding the President Trump’s upcoming “Keep America Great” Rally at the Wildwoods Convention Center on Tuesday, January 28th.

"You can add Phil Murphy to the list of reasons why I [bubbleAutoLink text="left the Democrat Party" id="72717"]," said Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew. "I didn't vote for him in 2017 and certainly wasn't going to in 2021. Murphy is totally out of touch with the hard working middle class families and retirees here in South Jersey who are benefiting from the Trump economy despite the Governor's best efforts to make New Jersey even more unaffordable. The only thing Murphy should be focused on is working with Republicans and Democrats to find solutions to the problems he caused without raising even more of our taxes."

Previous comments for: Van Drew Body Slams Murphy

  1. Debbie Nawrocki Lawlor says:

    Democrats are burning a lot of support. Endless tries at impeachment, are wasting TAXPAYERS money

  2. jeff s says:

    Deadbeat campaign for a deadbeat candidate.

  3. jeff s says:

    Jeff Van Screw

  4. tiredofit says:

    Best education in the country, richest county in the country, second happiest people in the country, best jobs in the country, access to NYC and Philly, pizza and subs ... what a joke!

  5. Barbara Withers-Kinsing says:

    regardless this State is a joke and People like Murphy need to be replaced.

  6. tiredofit says:

    He endorsed Murphy, pledged his support to Murphy, campaigned with Murphy, accepted campaign contributions from Murphy, and now says despite all that he voted against Murphy? If that's what you call common sense I woukd not want to be your coworker.

  7. Damian Fraley says:

    Not a traitor just a man with commonsense and the ability to be a rational thinker, unlike every single other dem in the house of representatives and all but one in the Senate, Joe Manchin is the only other dem in Washington that isnt a looney tune whiney crybaby child!!!!

  8. Cheryl Leitch says:

  9. Jamestroy says:

    No grown ups necessary

  10. tiredofit says:

    Nice to see grown up contributions to the conversation here.

  11. Jamestroy says:

    Says the D-Bag who kisses Murphy's azz...

  12. tiredofit says:

    You didn't vote for the Democratic nominee for Governor, and the next year stood to represent the Democratic Party for Congress? You were a traitor in secret before you were a traitor in public.

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