Van Drew Does an Endzone Dance on Orsted

United States Congressman Jeff Van Drew released the following statement upon learning Orsted was abandoning the Ocean Wind One & Two projects which were proposed off the coast of South Jersey.
"Tonight, David defeated Goliath! These Green New Deal style wind farms were bad for our economy, bad for our environment, and would have been an unmitigated disaster for South Jersey's hard working middle class families which is why we fought like hell over the last few years to make their defeat a reality,” said United States Congressman Jeff Van Drew. “Thank you to the elected officials from every corner of South Jersey, Judge Michael Donohue, all of the various grassroots organizations that spring up, and most importantly the people of South Jersey who have stood shoulder to shoulder with us in this fight. While we welcome the news that Orsted has abandoned Ocean Wind One & Two, we need to build on this momentum and see to it that the remaining projects proposed off our Coast meet the same fate.”
The League of Conservation Voters’ National Environmental Scorecard has given Van Drew, who switched parties from Democratic to Republican in December 2019, a 93% score in 2019, 67% in 2020, 39% in 2021, and 5% in 2022.
Van Drew is a tree hugger more concerned about saving whales and dolphins than about creating jobs.
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