Van Drew Fires off an Angry Letter at Murphy

Today, Congressman Van Drew slammed Governor Murphy after reporting that his former acting deputy chief of staff will lead a new offshore wind advocacy group, the New Jersey Offshore Wind Alliance, and sent the Governor and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) a letter questioning an emergency meeting set for this week to approve additional offshore wind projects.
"Despite numerous lawsuits, public forums, hearings, and rallies all across the state of New Jersey, Governor Murphy continues to ignore the will of the people and only cares about lining the pockets of offshore wind corporations. The people of South Jersey have made it clear: we do not want our coasts to be industrialized by massive offshore wind farms," said Congressman Van Drew.
"I will continue to fight these projects and mobilize local and state officials to ensure that any future projects are halted, just like Orsted canceled Ocean Wind," added Congressman Van Drew. "Offshore wind proponents may have more resources and funds to advocate for their Green New Deal agenda and try to convince the public that wind energy is the future, but at what cost? It will be controlled by foreign nations, it will destroy tourism and local businesses in the state, energy prices will rise, and these groups still refuse to conduct analyses on the long-term effects these projects will have on our environment and marine life. The people of South Jersey will not let Governor Murphy continue forward with these projects without a fight. We, the people, are asking him for once to do the right thing for the people of his state."
Click here to read the letter.
Van Douche sold his soul to MAGA. And he sold it cheap.
Climate change is an unfortunate reality that must be addressed. Will change cost tax payers? Of course. We must all do our part to combat climate change. As far as the towers being seen from shore… the newer projects are 40 miles offshore. They will not affect the skyline.
Van Drew Bad for New Jersey
This is just another way to fatten the politician's pockets. Because they're all bought and owned and to take money from the Taxpayer to pay for this that is nothing but a bunch of experiments. They never research the full consequences of these ideas. It costs billions of dollars and where does p(this money come from the taxpayer.
Is this the same Van Drew who just voted to stop funding all the needed beach replenishment projects when he sided with MAGA to shut down the federal government? He is worried about MAGA first ,south jersey second.