Van Drew Plays Audio of Death Threat Left on His Home Phone

U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-2) released the audio of a death threat Ocean City columnist John McCall, a longtime member of the New Jersey Press Association, recently left on his home phone while he was in Washington and blasted the Ocean City Sentinel for publishing columns, before and after, in which McCall insinuates Van Drew should be executed for treason, vividly describes invading and destroying his home, and graphically ponders what it would be like to sexually assault his wife over the hood of her car.
“For far too long calls for violence have gone unchallenged, but today, right here in Cape May County we are drawing a line in the sand. You can come after me with loud words and threats, but if anyone, let alone a member of the Press, thinks they can threaten my wife and my family they’ve got another thing coming,” said Van Drew. “When I was asked to run for office a long time ago, I did it to make sure my neighbors always had someone looking out for them, whether I was representing them at town hall, in Trenton or now Washington. I am calling on the New Jersey Press Association and the Ocean City Sentinel to forcefully denounce and condemn the threats McCall made against me and my family, to immediately retract his hate-filled editorials, and issue a public apology to my family - until then any and all legal options remain on the table.”
Van Drew was joined by Cape May County Sheriff Bob Nolan who underscored the seriousness of threats like these.
“As Sheriff it is my sworn duty to ensure the safety of everyone who lives in, works in, or visits Cape May County,” added Nolan. “Congressman Van Drew didn’t offer himself or his family up for public service to be a target of threats or violence by anyone, let alone a newspaper columnist. The Cape May County Sheriff’s Office takes all threats seriously and political violence of any kind will not be tolerated.”
The gallows was erected in front of the U.S. Capital during the invasion by right wing terrorists. as they shouted in unison, "Hang Mike Pence." Surely you've seen the gallows on TV and heard the shouted demands.
And this "gallows" was erected where?
Please... Trump repeatedly said that people should be hung for treason. He said it so much, they actually erected a gallows. You're not a victim.
Where's the pictures and information on this dirtbag McCall?
IF ANY dummycrat congres person or senator were threatened in the same manner there would be an immediate arrest. The rag he "writes" for should be totally boycotted.
It's not a crime anywhere in the US if its done by a leftist, against a person of the Right.
Even in CA that would be a felony.