Van Drew Requests Murphy Ease Certain Restrictions on South Jersey

Trump Van Drew

Today, U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-2) sent a letter to Governor Murphy requesting restrictions be eased on certain activities and industries that can accommodate social distancing and health guidelines to prevent spreading COVID-19. Included in the request was:

  • Allowing for people to practice their faith
  • Allowing for certain medical procedures and surgeries
  • Allowing for certain businesses to operate that can accommodate proper hygienic and social distancing components.

“Our government should never stop anyone from practicing their faith or exercising their rights to operate a business if it can be done in a safe manner,” said Van Drew. “We can allow for the proper distancing and health guidelines while also balancing the need for our community to survive and get back up on to its feet.”

Last year, Van Drew switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican sooner than back the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, who this week stepped up his own call for the country to re-open the economy in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.

Another Trump backer, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, likewise called for a reopening of the economy in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash; and Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) urged Murphy to reopen more businesses by Memorial Day.

[pdf-embedder url="" title="5.5 Letter to Gov Murphy"]

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