'Van Drew Screwed My Teeth Up'

Former Mayor Campbell

GALLOWAY - Robert Campbell, former Mayor of Hamilton Twp., said he well knows U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-2), who changed his party affiliation last year from Democrat to Republican.

"He used to be my dentist," said Campbell, present at the 45th annual Atlantic County Democratic Committee convention.

"Van Drew screwed my teeth up," added the former mayor.

The former mayor's comments reflected a mood in the room, decidedly anti-Van Drew, who shocked some of his longtime allies, Campbell among them, when he [bubbleAutoLink text="changed parties last year" id="72717"] and joined forces with President Donald J. Trump.

Campbell made his remarks as the convention got underway.

They just ran through the itinerary here and the 2nd Congressional District fight will go last.

Someone went to the microphone early to speak about the virtues of U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), who was no in attendance. Booker is running for the Democratic nomination in a statewide Democratic Primary that includes activist Larry Hamm, chair of the Bernie Sanders for President campaign in New Jersey.

Last week, Booker jumped into the CD2 Primary when he announced his support for Brigid Harrison, the Montclair University Political Science professor who today hoped to fend off the aggressive rival candidacy of mental health specialist Amy Kennedy.

Many in attendance this afternoon commented on the closeness of this contest, eschewing "fix is in" theories as unreflective of how committeemembers here vote in the main.

A source looking over the room said he noticed a signifiant number of New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) members, who he suspects lean Kennedy. That and a turnout of 52 delegates from Atlantic City are not insignificant points in favor of Kennedy, although the NJEA has not backed anyone.

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