Van Drew in Reverse Turkavage Hits the Phones in CD-2

The victor of the 2018 contest in CD-2, Jeff Van Drew is evidently going to switch parties from Democrat to Republican. But he's not the only one changing stripes and looking to stay in the game. Retired FBI agent Robert "Turk" Turkavage", who ran as a Republican in CD-2 in 2018 and lost, now has an interest in running again - as a Democrat.
He's the Van Drew inverse in the [bubbleAutoLink text="CD-2 political universe" id="72717"].
While Van Drew runs into the waiitng arms of President Donald J. Trump, Turkavage is evacuating in horror.
Profoundly irritated by President Trump's public statements about the FBI, the federal law man earlier this month changed his party affiliation from R to D.
Now he's reaching out to Democratic Party officials to access their interest in his potential candidacy for CD-2.
"I believe that my experience level-32 years with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and seven years as a Vice-President in Global Security with JPMorgan Chase, dwarfs that of all potential candidates including Congressman Van Drew," said Turkavage, a resident of Brigantine.
Just lask week, the possible Democratic candidate said he was going to the Atlantic County Board of Elections in Mays Landing to switch his affiliation from Republican to Democrat.
“Trump’s ‘scum’ comment about the FBI last evening in Hersey, Pa., was very disturbing and made me realize that I cannot support this President and the Republican Party that continues to allow his lawlessness to go unchecked,” Turkavage said.
At a rally in Pennsylvannia last week, Trump lashed out at the FBI calling staff of the agency ‘scum,’ according to Business Insider.
“When the FBI uncovered evidence showing that we did absolutely nothing wrong, which was right at the beginning, they hid that exonerating, you know that, they hid it,” Trump claimed.
That comment was seemingly a reference to a finding in the report that there were significant “omissions” in the FBI’s application for a wiretap of Carter Page, a Trump campaign official.
It was too much for Turkavage, who won the Cumberland County Republican Party line in 2018 on his way to losing the nomination to Seth Grossman, who lost the general elecction to Van Drew, who's now apparently in the hunt for the Republican nomination.