Veteran GOP Senator Robert Singer Wants off the NJEDA Legislative Task Force

State Senator Robert Singer, a veteran lawmaker from Ocean County, wants to be removed from the select legislative committee formed by Senate President Steve Sweeney to examine the NJ Economic Development Authority (NJEDA).

State Senator Robert Singer (R-30), veteran lawmaker from Ocean County, wants to be removed from the select legislative committee formed by Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) to [bubbleAutoLink text="examine" id="55148"]the NJ Economic Development Authority (NJEDA).

After originally being slated to sit on the task force, Singer later asked to come off the committee.

A source told InsiderNJ that Singer was uncomfortable with the appearance of overlapping South Jersey-based legislative ties and supposed South Jersey targets, and while he has no conflicts himself, didn't want the burden of appearance. He specifically mentioned an ethics complaint filed against him.

Helmed by state Senator Bob Smith (D-17) and slated to receive South Jersey Democratic Power Broker George Norcross III (a close Sweeney ally) the committee was supposed to meet last week but canceled amid end of budget season scheduling woes.

Norcross' businesses are at the center of a separate investigation by a governor's task force formed to examine the administration of EDA tax incentives, which to date resulted in a criminal referral to the state attorney general's office.

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