Victorious Ciattarelli Sets Forth His General Election Theme


SOMERSET- “He’s somebody else. I’m you.”

With that line, delivered Tuesday night to a happy and sign-waving crowd of supporters, Jack Ciattarelli set forth his theme for the next five months.

It’s really simple - at least in his mind.

He (Ciattarelli) is a Jersey guy. You know, the type who vacations on LBI, knows how to eat a pizza and roots for the


He ridiculed Gov. Phil Murphy for jetting off to a villa in Italy for his respites and for rooting for the Red Sox.

This theme has come up time and time again  during Ciattarelli’s primary campaign and you have to wonder how far it really goes.

Its shelf life, you would think, may be limited.

When Ciattarelli spoke, the results showed him with less than 50 percent of the vote.

That may be troubling.

If a majority of Republicans - albeit a slight majority - wanted someone else, will they support “Jack,” as his signs say, five months from now?

That is especially relevant when you consider the other two candidates in the primary were Trump acolytes.

In a somewhat revealing moment, Ciattarelli called himself an Abe Lincoln and then a Ronald Reagan Republican.

Nope, he’s not a Trump Republican. But will the Trump Republicans be anxious to support him?

A victory speech is no time for substantive policy statements. But at least Ciattarelli mentioned a pretty big state issue - property taxes.

He said that he would lower them come “hell or high water.”

The details of how that will be done remain to be disclosed.

Then again, tonight was a night of celebration and Ciattarelli let no opportunity to gloat slip by.

He introduced his wife, Melinda, as New Jersey’s “newest rock star” after her verbal spat with King Penna, the campaign chair of opponent Hirsh Singh.

She got a big ovation.

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