Voters Perk Up: Election Day Atlantic City Provisional Ballot Count

Atlantic City's provisional count as of 6 p.m. on Election Day:
•Richmond 450
•Chelsea Baptist 207
•Star of The Sea 287
•Second Baptist 219
•Shiloh Baptist 232
•Uptown School Complex 260
That puts the citywide tally at just shy of 12K and counting, if one factors in last night's VBM totals.
Said one source: Looks like the electorate woke up and is over performing against 2016’s total.
10,167 is the 2016 number.
"Although," the source added, "I am wondering if that number holds after they go through rejecting signatures and duplicates. I would suggest that when they collect what arrived in the drop boxes today and what USPS brings in over the next few days, our total will be at least 10% higher than 2016."