Warren County Democratic Chairman Palmieri Responds to 'False Allegations'

Tom Palmieri, chairman of the Warren County Democratic Committee, issued the following statement in response to what he describes as "the false and baseless allegations being reported by Politico.com":
“After a lifetime of public service and progressive activism in New Jersey, this baseless and unfounded attack on my reputation and character is extremely disturbing and distressing. These false allegations have been manufactured from whole cloth. I know the truth will prevail. I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support I have received from friends and colleagues across New Jersey, particularly from my women colleagues in New Jersey politics, who have rallied around me during this time. I have worked with and maintained close professional relationships with extremely skilled and talented women: candidates, party members, elected officials, operatives, and activists. I wholeheartedly support the effort underway in New Jersey to address misogyny and harassment in New Jersey politics. I cannot speculate on Ms. Rotondi's motives."
Palmieri has served as chairman of the Warren County Democratic Committee since June, 2015.
He enclosed with his statement the following letter by women allies:
May 20, 2020
To whom it may concern:
We have known Tom Palmieri as a friend and colleague for decades and his character, integrity and reputation is unimpeachable. We know we share our outrage at these baseless and irresponsible allegations with anyone who has ever known Chairman Palmieri. False accusations of sexual misconduct do nothing to advance the cause of women; in fact, they undermine the credibility of real victims and make it that much more difficult for real victims to obtain justice. Ms. Rotundi is making a travesty of the effort underway in New Jersey to address misconduct against women and should be ashamed of herself. We stand steadfastly with Chairman Palmieri in confidence that his vindication will be swift and absolute.
We are happy to supply contact information for all the below upon request.
Iris Perott-Vice Chair WCDC
Sherry Corcoran-Vice Chair Phillipsburg Democratic Club
Theresa Duffy-Secretary WCDC
Rebecca Williams-Ellis-County Committee Woman Phillipsburg
Elizabeth Gittins-Treasure WCDC
Elizabeth Ridley-County Committee Woman
Ethel Conroy-Washington Boro Councilwoman
Rosalie Murray-X Secretary WCDC
Lydia Cotz-Candidate for Council Greenwich Township
Sandra Morrisette-County Committee Woman Phillipsburg
Carol Cook-County Committee Woman Blairstown, Past Candidate for Freeholder
Truscha Quatrone-X E.D. for Emerge, X State Committee Woman Morris County
Maryann Simmons-County Committee Hackettstown
Kathy Bryant-County Committee Woman Washington Township
Cindy Munley-County Committee Woman Independance
Tracey Leal-NJEA member activist
Pat Thiede-X Vice Chair WCDC
Terri Lisa Bauknight, Minister-X Secretary WCDC
Patti Doell-County Committee Woman Blairstown
Josephine Noone-Council Woman Washington Boro
Gina Trish-Assembly Candidate 24th, Committee Woman Blairstown