Warren Wins Prez Poll in Hunterdon County

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts is tied with former Vice President Joe Biden in New Hampshire, according to today's Monmouth University Poll.

Elizabeth Warren has prevailed in Hunterdon in a straw poll among Democrats. The Massachusetts senator defeated former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg in a final ballot showdown.

The tally was 74 votes for Warren and 70 votes for Bloomberg.

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar technically placed third on the second ballot.

Hunterdon Democrats sponsored the event.

Warren's victory occurs against the backdrop of the candidate's third place finish in the Iowa caucuses last week and her struggle to get around Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in this coming Tuesday's New Hampshire primary.

She also faces the surging fortunes of former South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who won in Iowa and is battling Sanders for first place in New Hampshire.

Earlier today, Warren said she doesn't see a win in neighboring New Hampshire as critical for her progressive presidential campaign to continue.

“The way I see this is it's going to be a long campaign,” Warren said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

“When I made the decision not to spend 70 percent of my time raising money from billionaires and corporate executive and lobbyists, it meant I had a lot more time to go around the country,” she said. “I've been to 31 states to do town halls, red states and blue states. We have about 1,000 people on the ground. We built a campaign to go the distance and that's what I think is going to happen.”

A WBZ/Boston Globe/Suffolk University tracking poll shows Buttigieg and Sanders still co-leaders within the poll’s 4.4% margin of error, with Sanders holding steady at 24% and Buttigieg slipping a bit to 22%. Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden remain static in third and fourth places with 13% and 10% respectively.


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