Washington Street Brawl: DeFusco Tells Romano He Needs to Pick Freeholder or Mayor - Not Both

No sooner had Hudson County Freeholder Anthony Romano and his broadly smiling team dropped off their petitions today to run for mayor of Hoboken when arch rival Mike DeFusco blandly pressed send on an email that might as well have been a stream of scalding poison.
Himself running for mayor in a big field and attempting to bust out of the pack by extinguishing Romano, DeFusco continues to harp on the freeholder/mayoral candidate's dual presence on the November ballot, and demands that Romano choose one office or the other. In an interview last month, Romano noted the inconvenient timing of Mayor Dawn Zimmer's announcement, which came after the primary, which Romano had already won as a freeholder incumbent.
DeFusco doesn't sympathize.
Also, no paid for line on those signs... is it tramp stamped on Mello? Is it Pablo's PAC? That will look real sweet for Dave and Pablo, they can be the prima ballerinas of county lockup.
Pablo bit off more than he can chew this time. It will be fun to watch Mello stranded on his own when Stick gets booted and the other two drop out next week. I think Kurt Gardiner will probably get more votes than him. Dave did endorse him, after all.