WATCH: Sweeney Defends His Record on C-SPAN

Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) appeared this morning on C-SPAN's Washington Journal and went on offense as the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) attempts to eradicate him the Statehouse.

"We took money from the districts that were overfunded to give to the districts that were underfunded and not one program was cut in the districts where the funding was moved," Sweeney said. "It's about fairness and it's not easy in New Jersey where we've had a lot of financial challenges, between the pension and school funding, all the issues. When you're the leader of the senate sometimes you make decisions and you piss people off. I'm a union leader myself. As a senator I have to look at all members, not just labor."

For the entire appearance, please go here.


Previous comments for: WATCH: Sweeney Defends His Record on C-SPAN

  1. none says:

    Maybe the NJEA leadership should spend some time watching this interview and spend less time wasting their members money on false political adds . ...but their egos will not allow them to actually listen for 30 minutes

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