Watson Coleman Fires off a Migrant Busing Letter to Murphy

Earlier today, Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12) sent a letter to Governor Phil Murphy, committing to work together on an efficient and compassionate state, local and federal response to the recent drop-off of migrants in New Jersey. Reps. Bill Pascrell, Donald Payne, Jr. and Robert J. Menendez also signed on to Rep. Watson Coleman’s letter.
As part of an ongoing, shameful, and inhumane series of political stunts, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other southern governors are exploiting migrants desperate for a better life for themselves and their families. The drop off in New Jersey is just the latest iteration of this despicable conduct.
“We know that Governor Abbott will not stop his political stunt, and so we want to coordinate closely between all federal, state, and local partners to navigate this situation,” the letter states. “Our priority is to ensure humanitarian needs are taken care of and our state and local officials have the proper resources at their disposal as more migrants arrive.”
We are a nation of immigrants and we have a moral responsibility to treat the migrants who have arrived in New Jersey with dignity and respect their essential humanity. This letter is the first step in establishing an effective and humane response to a shameful stunt that plays politics with people’s lives. Above all, we want to ensure the people who have arrived here receive the support they need, and we are committed to working diligently at the local, state, and federal level to do that.
The letter also requests information, including whether or not the Governor’s office was informed ahead of time of this stunt by Governor Abbott, an update on any coordination with New York officials or the Biden Administration, and what resources are currently available to support the migrants who have arrived.
This is not the first time families have been bussed from southern cities to Trenton. The first so-called “Reverse Freedom Rides” in the 1960s brought Black families from the South to Northern cities like Trenton. Intending to embarrass Northern liberals and humiliate Black people, southern White Citizens Councils started putting Black families on one-way bus trips to northern cities with promises of jobs, housing, and better lives. Ultimately, Governor Abbott is simply cribbing from the white supremacist playbook.
The full letter can be read here.
Keeping this short and sweet. Ms Coleman can perhaps formulate a fair way for the expense of "Welcoming" the migrants to the USA be funded. How is it that the Federal Govt. expects the border states to handle the costs. As usual she, along with the rest of her party just ignores that part of the problem.
Let's see Bonnie Coleman's reaction when the illegal immigrants turn out to be terrorists that blow up her neighborhood or someone else's neighborhood. What is she going to say then??? Bring more in so we can support them killing us all?????
Well here is a letter to ms.colemal , black American families didn't travel to this country looking for handouts. We worked for free and faught in won many wars side by side with our fellow American partners. To campair black American families to these illegal freeloaders who have nothing to offer this country. I think I speak for all new Jersey people when I say no we reserve all rights to our state and country .
Set up your hous lady ,,and call family members too and load up your family with these people who can’t understand their is a process,,
Maybe she can allow immigrants at her house and use her resources. She should give up her salary for immigrant humane basic needs!
The “despicable conduct” is refusing to enforce the law and allowing millions of hideously expensive foreigners to invade the country. Apparently, it’s not a “political stunt” for JRB and the Dems to inflict the majority of the harm on border states; only when those states facilitate the transit of those expensive foreigners to blue sanctuary cities do the Dems take notice. The solution to the problem is to prevent more invaders from entering and to send those already here back home with all deliberate speed. This letter perfectly encapsulates the extreme left’s views: open borders and massive subsidies, the taxpayers – and Americans – be damned. (And what would an extremist screed be without playing the race card?)
Biden and fellow Democrats have allowed some 5 million illegal aliens to enter this country in three years. Texas and other border states have begged for assistance to no avail. What NJ and NY are dealing with is minimal compared to the influx of illegals Texas has had to deal with. Gov Abbott is sharing the problem with self proclaimed sanctuary states. It is not a stunt. Ironic that these sanctuary advocates do not want to practice what they preach. Rep Coleman wants to support the illegals at law abiding taxpayers expense. The next drop of should be in Colman's neighborhood. Let's see him she likes this. The fact is that we need to close, militarize the border so that no one enters illegally.