Watson Coleman on the Supreme Court's Prez Immunity Decision: 'Astonishing and Dangerous'

Today, Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12) issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision in the presidential immunity case:
“This is an astonishing and dangerous decision. The Court has granted absolute immunity to presidents for official actions. Additionally, by failing to establish a clear rule for distinguishing between official and unofficial acts, the Court has taken more power for itself in determining when a president can and cannot be held accountable under the same laws that apply to all of us.
“It seems clear to me that the Court deliberately waited until the last possible moment to issue this decision because the majority did not want the former president to face a jury for his actions on January 6th before he faces the voters on November 5th.
“This is the same Court that has shown itself time and time again to be motivated not by their Constitutional mandate, but by partisan political interests. The same Court that upended a half-century of precedent to strip away reproductive freedom from millions of women across the country, criminalized homelessness, legalized machine guns, and made it nearly impossible for civil servants to regulate the industries that ensure the goods and services provided to the American public are safe for consumption.
“This is the same court on which multiple Justices have accepted and then tried to conceal lavish gifts of private jet flights and luxury yacht cruises from wealthy executives with business before the Court.
“We must take all available measures to reign in the increasingly unfettered power of this radical court, including a binding code of ethics and expanding the number of justices. Six people who were never elected cannot be allowed to continue destroying our democracy.”
I apologize for getting carried away! I seldom encounter a captive audience. Thank you if you read my comment!
OMG. To: Thomas Jefferson (Really? How incredibly ludicrous to call yourself Thomas Jefferson while posting such inane, illiterate commentary.) Is this really how you want to go through life? You have delivered nothing more than the baseless lies and manufactured propaganda which have been spoon fed to America since 2015. (Earlier, I know, but I’m dealing with the most dangerous era for now.) There isn’t a scintilla of truth in any of the sentences you so passionately wrote. You, unfortunately, took the easy way out. This charlatan appeared before you, promised he was just like you, he’d fight for you, never let you down, and you simply took him at his word. You never read anything else about him, fact checked him, watched any news other than Fox, never read a court pleading filed by his own lawyers, or did anything except dig your heels in deeper as he fed you lie after lie claiming he was the only one telling you the truth. Here you are now, even when presented with the truth which you can see with your own eyes, or listening to this man who you idolize rant and rave and change his lies time after time, still incapable of checking things out for yourself. Haven’t you ever wondered why so many people don’t believe a word this man you revere utters? Stephen King once said, and I paraphrase (forgive me, Stevie), “If you scare someone badly enough, they will turn to anyone or anything to make the fear go away.” Trump must have done that for you. Whatever fears you have, I can promise you, Trump and the current Republican Party are not the answers. (For the record, until 2016, I had been a Republican my entire life.) Piece of advice, don’t hold your breath waiting on that invitation to Mar-a-lago. However, do keep sending him more of your hard earned money because he needs it more than you do. I could expound for hours, as I’m sure you could, too, but I won’t. You need to start looking up these “truths” that you believe so very much, read all you can find from many sources, both sides, and then try to make an informed decision for yourself, rather than sounding just like every single person who didn’t know any better when y’all bought your first red MAGA hat and excitedly attended your first rally, lapping up every last drop of the poison he was serving you…for a price. You willingly surrendered your ability to discern for yourself fact from fiction, the integrity needed to denounce a liar, being decent enough to know in your gut someone who taunts people cruelly, is racist, and will spout any vile thing that drops from his evil brain to his disgusting tongue is anything but the definition of a man. He is a reprehensible human being unfit for decent society much less the White House and the purported leader of the free world. Now that I think about it, maybe Trump was right about just one thing, he is one of you because you are just like him. He just gave all of you a voice to spew your own vile inadequacies to the world. It’s time to look in the mirror. When I look, I see blazing red Becky am so furious over what Trump has done to my country. If you look, I bet you see orange, don’t you? What you should see in your eyes is the shame you have brought upon yourself and your fellow Americans by continuing to spread his lies. Well, enough. I leave you with a certain mathematical truth. (Ask someone to explain it if you don’t get it. ) If you measure the intelligence of the roughly 330 million people in America, over half of them will be below average intelligence. You, my poor, misguided, little MAGA person are under the half-way line. This is the only explanation I have been able to come up with to explain this blind devotion to a lying, cheating, stealing, constantly grifting, power hungry, criminally corrupt excuse for a human being. God help you, and God save America.
Nitpick: there's a difference between "reign" and "rein."
Democrats (a/k/a Marxist Communists) don't have any brain cells left. They are in full mental and emotional meltdown over the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity. What idiot Democrats don't understand is that the Court made a ruling on stare decisis--existing law that has been adjudicated (by and including Democrat-appointed Justices). Instead, we hear ranting and raving by Democrat-Communists, mostly non-lawyers, that we need to "expand" the court (the word is called "packing"). Even CNN and MSNBC legal experts are calling for Joe Biden to step down after Thursday night's debate debacle. And, yesterday they were supporting the SCOTUS ruling, because if they don't, their own President, Biden, will face criminal charges when he leaves office. Biden should face criminal charges anyway, since most of the crimes of influence peddling for cash, giving away the "farm" to the Communist Chinese and Iranians, opening the border in violation of national security protocols, allowing a Chinese spy balloon (may be 2 or 3) to fly over U.S. Military bases, cutting off our energy production to give our enemies more chances to sell their oil and gas, etc. occurred while Biden was a Senator or V.P. He's not covered by the immunity ruling. The Democrat-Communist cult now has to deal with the law. I know they don't like following the law, and thumb their noses at it every chance they get, but they can't anymore. November 5th is coming fast. So, if Democrat-Communists want to come to God before then, they better start doing it now.
SCOTUS, PAID FOR BY THE GOP There's no hiding the facts. The Supreme Court has forfeited their credibility and their respect. From here on, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett have declared themselves to be at the beck and call of the Republican Party. By ruling that Felony Donnie has some level of immunity from prosecution for "official acts", SCOTUS has given carte blanche for a president to willingly break the law and claim they were acting in an official capacity. Remember that famous statement from Putin's BFF that he could shoot someone in Times Square and get away with it? The Six Scumbags just sanctioned it. Of course, we all know what SCOTUS did. They are helping the Traitor-in-Chief try to run out the clock, hoping he'll be reelected (god forbid) and make his federal cases go away. And who is John Roberts kidding when he says the decision doesn't put Agent Orangehair above the law? That's EXACTLY what this ruling does! You know how Von Shitzinpants has been screaming "election interference"? Well, that's what the court did today. They interfered not only with an election, but with the administration of justice. That has become the modus operandi of the Republican Party, and that conceit has now infested what was once the most respected judicial body in the world, but has now been reduced to a group of toadies doing the bidding of their masters in the GOP. If ever there was a need to expand the court, it is now. Of course, the Cult of Trump will never allow that. Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett shouldn't even be wearing the robes, as they perjured themselves during their confirmation hearings. Thomas and Alito, showing their utter lack of integrity, ethics and morals, should have recused themselves from this case thanks to the actions of their spouses, in particular the odious Ginny Thomas, who to this day is still aligned with groups who have tried to overthrow the government. As for Chief Justice John Roberts, suffice it to say that history will regard him as the weakest, most intellectually inept leader of the Court in history. You know what's funny? When the Supreme Court convenes in public session, the clerk of the court announces "God save the United States and this Honorable Court". Well, the clerk should substitute the word "kangaroo" for "honorable", because the Roberts court has shed any remaining honor they had. As for "god save the United States", that's up to us. We can no longer rely on the judiciary to preserve democracy. We must not allow evil to take over our government. The Supreme Court is bought and paid for by our country's greatest enemy--the Republican Cult.