Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman to Nick Scutari: ‘You Cannot Call Me A Liar’
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CD12 Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman today fired back at Union County Democratic Chair and Senator Nick Scutari after a published report from TAPinto said Scutari claimed the Congresswoman lied to him about her endorsement in Tuesday’s election. She said: "You cannot call me a liar."
Saying that she supports Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr and her Column B slate, Watson Coleman had refuted a flier that says she made an endorsement of the UCDC-backed Column A Democrats, according to TAPinto, prompting Scutari to respond that he had spoken with the Congresswoman on the endorsement and that subsequent exchanges via text message took place between his COS Tony Teixeira and Watson Coleman COS James Gee.
Scutari added that 'based on my conversation with the Congresswoman, and the texts from her advisor, and even Mrs. Mirabella’s [Freeholder Al Mirabella's wife] interaction with the Congresswoman, we stand by the flyer stating her endorsement in Fanwood for the Column A team. It appears what we have here is a typical Washington game being played out where a politician, or her staff, told both parties she was with them', according to the TAPinto report. Phyllis Mirabella said she 'heard verification of the endorsement with my own ears', according to another TAPinto report.
"As the former Chair of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee and someone who has been part of my fair share of political races, I certainly understand the pressures that accompany campaign season," said the Congresswoman. "With that said, there is simply no excuse for Nick Scutari to call me a liar. It is always my practice to stay out of primaries because I traditionally support incumbents. I would imagine that if my conversations with Chairman Scutari progressed I would have gotten to the point of endorsing Line A and Colleen Mahr, who has no opposition on Tuesday. I stood with Colleen last year when she ran against Senator Scutari for County Chair just as she stood by my side when I first ran for Congress in 2014 and I am with her again this year in her election on Tuesday. I have always been very clear in my support for Colleen and I did not tell Chairman Scutari otherwise."
Watson Coleman added, "You can mishear me. You can misunderstand me. You cannot call me a liar".
Scutari responded to Watson Coleman's statement, telling TAPinto that 'I will let the text messages speak for themselves. I’m focused on Election Day'.
i'm not a doctor but that union county democrat political boss scutari is obsessed with his attempt a unilateral control of union county that he would go so far as call a congresswoman a liar along with everything else he has done if you read the media articles. He is probably exhibiting symptoms of mental instability. And he is a state senator to boot. There should be demands from elected officials and citizens for him to step down from his senator seat and political boss control and take a long needed rest. He is failing the people and the democratic party.