Wayne Blow Up: Jasterzbski's Side of the Story


Wayne First Ward Councilman Richard Jasterzbski gave his side of the story after a tough talking exchange yesterday with Susan Enderly, a candidate for Republican State Committee.

"As vice chairman I help out with all the elections, and we had volunteers walking door to door," Jasterzbski told InsiderNJ.

One of those volunteers hung a sign for local candidates from Wayne in the window of the Passaic County Republican Organization (PCRO), and later noticed the sign was inexplicably down.

Enderly and her children were in the HQ, Jasterzbski said.

"I did express my displeasure with her not standing up to corruption," said the councilman, citing what he sees as a nexus among Republican boss Peter Murphy of Totowa, state Senator Kevin O'Toole, Essex County GOP Chairman Al Barlas and Passaic County GOP Clerk Kristin Corrado.

Moreover, "Susan Enderly has no business touching anyone else's signs," he added.

He said he and Enderly both traded the F-curse, but emphasized that "at no point was she in any danger. I expressed my displeasure."


Previous comments for: Wayne Blow Up: Jasterzbski's Side of the Story

  1. Sencho says:

    Just your typical Republican when they think no one is filming them. They're largely a violent-minded, emotionally and intellectually stunted lot.

  2. Rick Shaftan says:

    Well he was right about the League of Women Voters, and Communist is an understatement.

  3. justmeeeee says:

    So, who's the lucky one he's fucking, then? Hmmmmm?

  4. CMP says:

    This is an utter disgrace! This is over a sign! It is disgusting! And, to do it in front of her daughter! I wonder if that is how he speaks to his Mother! Talking about fornicating. And, this is the same Councilman who called the Women League of Voters a 'bunch of communists.' Step down! You are NOT FIT to be a Councilman. And, Ms. Ryan your lack of comment means that you condone this conduct. You are a woman! Aren't you supposed to be a role model for girls? Shame on YOU!

  5. tommy says:

    ''I expressed my displeasure''

  6. Samaritan says:

    Trump happened.

  7. Villager says:

    Wait. I saw the video This guy is a classic male chauvinist sexist pig. I don't care what happened to the signs. This way way over the top. He needs to step down. Go to anger management. I have family in this town. He is an embarrassment.

  8. Concerned NJ says:

    I find it difficult to fathom how a grown man can exhibit such a tirade and then attempt to justify said behavior with an excuse fitting of an adolescent. Consider if you would accept such behavior from your children? To me, the, "they started it first" line never made it very far. If a campaign sign - whether it was taken down or not - draws such ire and uncontrolled emotion what will happen when a large, contentious, and important issue is placed before this gentleman? Not only does this demonstrate a thorough lack of civility and respect but it shows an absence of emotional control. This behavior is not fitting for a child, let alone a grown man.

  9. Taxpayer of Wayne says:

    What ever happened to moral decency? Is this who represents Wayne? Time for him to step down and put some decent people in office who are not so hostile.

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