Webber Chides Democrats Before Assembly Passes Anti-Gun Permit Expansion Resolution

By a vote of 46-29, the assembly passed SCR159, which expresses support of legal action against the Executive Branch challenging the rule expanding the justifiable need standard for issuing handgun carry permits.

Assembly Democrats argued that Governor Chris Christie invalidated Article V, Section IV, paragraph 6 of the New Jersey Constitution, prompting Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26) to come out of his chair, as he hoped aloud for the end of the Democratic Party's "lurch leftward."

"You're out of step on this issue," Webber chided the majority party, irritated by a resolution that tries "to keep guns out of the hands of people who want to protect themselves."

Webber shared a constituent's email.

"My ex-husband was a man with two restraining orders.... can you imagine what my life was like knowing he was out there with intentions to hurt me? if you vote yes, you will create more victims of violence." the email read in part.

Assembly Majority Leader Lou Greenwald (D-6) objected to the way in which Webber - locked in a Republican Primary with slate mate turned foe Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce - characterized the issue.

"This is not a lurch to the left. The governor on his own promulgated a role that did not follow our legislative intent," Greenwald said, moments before the resolution passed.

For more on this legislation, please go here.

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