Webber Heaps Scorn on Ghee After Saturday GOP Screening


In the aftermath of Antony Ghee's refusals to disclose for whom he voted in the last three presidential elections, Webber for Congress offers the following tell-tales to Republican primary voters from Mr. Ghee's Twitter page:

"Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama appear to be the ONLY government or political figures that Antony Ghee is following on Twitter.  From Mr. Ghee's dodging, we know that he voted for Obama, Obama, and Hillary in the last three presidential elections.  It's equally obvious Mr. Ghee doesn't trust Republican primary voters enough to come clean about it."

For more on this story, please go here and here.

Previous comments for: Webber Heaps Scorn on Ghee After Saturday GOP Screening

  1. Julles61 says:

    I respectfully disagree. I matters...a lot. We conservative have had many so-called conservatives get elected on their conservative standards and then...boom - we find out they are RHINOS who said anything to get elected. We’ve been burned so many times we are very wary of a liberal who has all of a sudden seen the light. We consider liberals evil due to the damage they constantly inflict on our country and need to try to make sure we don’t perpetuate our own demise.

  2. Joseph Blaettler says:

    No one cares who he voted for in the past election. People care about moving forward and what the plan is? This is why people hate politics and politicians. I ll be going with new blood in November. Mikie Sherrill 2018!!!

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