Webber Running In CD11

Assemblyman Jay Webber is running for the CD11 seat. He released the following statement:

The 2018 elections present our great nation and Republican Party with an important choice. We can give in to the angry intimidation of the far left who seek to ‘resist’ every idea that comes from someone who doesn’t share their outlier extremism.  Or we can stand up for the beliefs and principles that have served our country so well for so long and continue the progress we’ve made in the last year toward reviving our economy, creating more and better paying jobs, strengthening the rule of law, and restoring America’s security and standing in the world.  I choose the latter,” said Assemblyman Webber.

Over the last several days, citizens across the 11th District and the country have urged me to step forward to represent our shared values.  I accept that challenge, and taking on tough challenges is nothing new to me.  I’ve led the fight on the Assembly floor against the Democrats’ reckless tax hikes.  I have been on the forefront of a bipartisan effort to improve our public schools by rewarding and encouraging good teachers, and making it easier to fire bad ones.  And when the Democrats – and some in my own party – wanted to throw billions of tax dollars at the richest companies in the world instead of providing property tax relief for everyone, I said no,” said Assemblyman Webber.

In the coming months, I will offer a candidacy, first to Republicans in the primary, and then to the general electorate, that will provide solutions to our country’s most troubling issues. Those solutions will be guided by my recognition that so many of our citizens sit at their kitchen tables each day not caring about ‘blue’ or ‘red.’  They simply want a limited and responsible government that respects their rights to live freely, and doesn’t bother them without good reason,” said Assemblyman Webber.


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