Following Pou Attack, Webber and Wife Demand Apology from Sherrill in CD11

"I am proud of my record on issues important to women. I have won increased support for battered women shelters, protected our schoolchildren from sexual predators, and fought to make New Jersey a place where women can start a business and find good jobs. And in my professional career, I’ve represented many women who suffered discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. I'll do more of the same in Washington, D.C., to create and expand opportunities for women and men across the nation.
"Sadly, Mikie has chosen to go down the tired and worn path of the politics of personal destruction that the Democratic party has trotted out for the last decade. NJ-11 deserves better than this. Mikie’s tactics are disgraceful and the exact type of gutter politics New Jerseyans should reject."
Statement from Johanna Webber:
Get US Out! of the United Nations
If Webber does not want his family involved than he should stop using his family on his elect material and tell his wife to stop writing letters demanding apologies. Additionally, Mikie Sherrill did not attack his family. Jay Webber is a partisan hack whose values do not represent a majority of the 11th district. The republicans are losing control of the 11th because people like Webber support Trump/Christie policies which have screwed over New Jersey.
When the candidates are done with their petty infighting, The People of New Jersey's Eleventh Congressional District are prepared to work to develop Policy positions to put their next Representative into a real philosophical leadership position in Washington, with solid, broad, bipartisan support back home.