Webber Will Likely Vote for Cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid


Amidst all the fervor regarding Kavanaugh and the Caravan, the most significant declaration of future policy on behalf of either party was made by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell regarding resolving the burgeoning federal deficit.  The Trump tax cut was an irresponsible giveaway to America’s wealthiest individuals and large corporations.  Now, Leader McConnell has revealed the not-so-hidden GOP agenda of having poor and middle-class America pay the cost of the tax cut by sustaining deep reductions in the basic entitlements of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. 

The initial fiscal argument for the Trump tax cut was that it would lead to highly stimulated economic activity, resulting in enhanced revenues.  This shopworn supply side argument has been thoroughly discredited down through the decades, and the Trump deficit is reaching record levels of nearly a trillion dollars.  

These deficits will have a most deleterious impact on the economy and cost of living for middle-class Americans.  As the federal Treasury Department increases sales of Treasury bills and other debt instruments to finance the deficit, interest rates will soar, causing a major downturn in business investment by small business, which is the engine of American economic growth.   Any attempt by the Federal Reserve to monetize the deficit will lead to galloping inflation, crippling the budgets of middle-class families. 

There is no way to deal with the deficit other than by either rescinding the Trump tax cut or making major and painful budgetary cuts.  Last week, Senate Majority Leader McConnell gave the Republican answer:  Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare need to be cut to reduce the growing deficit. 

A note on Medicaid:  Medicaid is no longer exclusively an entitlement of the working poor.  It is the primary means of middle-class families financing the permanent nursing home care of incapacitated senior citizen parents whose assets have been depleted.  And cuts in Social Security and Medicare, benefits that America’s elderly have earned, will cripple their ability to make ends meet.  

If elected to the United States House of Representatives from New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, will Jay Webber support the McConnell agenda of reducing Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits?

There is no certainty regarding future Congressional votes of candidates.  Given the focuses of his campaign, however, it can be said that Jay Webber would most likely support such Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid cuts.  

To Jay Webber, the Trump tax cut is holy writ.  And he has been attempting to sell the message that if elected, he will be New Jersey’s effective liaison with the White House and the Republican Congressional establishment.  What Mitch McConnell wants in the Senate, Jay Webber would be highly inclined to support in the House.  Given his focus on maintaining the Trump tax cut and his goal of being accepted as a major player by GOP House and Senate leadership, it is fair to expect that Jay Webber would strongly support any entitlement reductions which are advocated not only by Republican House and Senate leaders but also by the conservative and business groups whose support Jay Webber most highly values. 

The exclusive message of Webber’s Democrat opponent, Mikie Sherrill should be the following over the last ten days of the campaign: Republican Congressional candidates like Jay Webber will make you pay for the Trump tax cut for the rich by your surrender of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits.    

That is a winning message on November 6 not only for Mikie Sherrill but also for Democratic candidates for the US Senate and House of Representatives throughout America.  

Alan J. Steinberg served as Regional Administrator of Region 2 EPA during the administration of former President George W. Bush and as Executive Director of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission under former New Jersey Governor Christie Whitman. 


Previous comments for: Webber Will Likely Vote for Cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

  1. Trad Jay Webber 4 NJ 🇺🇸 says:

    You saw my ad that my Dad was in, right? He lives in Cedar Crest, which is really expensive, and he's on Medicare. I explaied that to our beloved and glorious President, Donald J. Trump just last night over snifters of the finest cognac served at the 5-star D.C. Trump hotel. He said not to worry about pops. He'll do better without all that socialized medicine, and I trust our president. I will support his MAGA agenda 100% because he takes care of his loyal supporters like me. So, get stuffed libs.

  2. Henry says:

    What nonsense and garbage!

  3. 1Prop says:

    Time for you to switch parties, Alan. You have no idea what Jay will or will not do if he makes it to Congress. You just want conservatives to lose. You and your pal Whitman can start a former GOP Liberal Losers Club.

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