The Weight of the War: In Union, Scutari v. Cryan Intensifies Heading into 2019

SCOTCH PLAINS - They looked great together, like a family. But unlike Essex, whose brothers and sisters weather the rivalries then individuate themselves in impenetrable fortresses, this Union brood apparently won't rest without catharsis - of the Atreus variety.
After surviving a war this year, it looks they're all ready for the rematch next year, with Union County Democratic Committee Chairman Nick Scutari positioning to take on either Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr again - or state Senator Joe Cryan (D-20).
The calls are going out.
People are getting buttonholed.
Resources seem to be stockpiling more for 2019 than 2018.
Each side is trying to do it gracefully, but it's hard.
Relaxing might give the other side an edge.
Sources expect a fight again for the chairmanship and a primary - at the very least - in LD20, where Cryan forces want to check Assemblyman Jamel Holley, an ally of Scutari.
The chair's allies have tried to keep potential contenders off balance. They denied reelection support to Freeholder Mohamed Jalloh of Union Twp. They tossed Archange Antoine off the Roselle School Board. And now they're trying to make sure former School Board Member Tony Monteiro doesn't return to his former perch.
The situation makes for jittery politics in the life of Assemblywoman Annette Quijano (D-20), who's been through the wars with Cryan.
If she sticks with Cryan she'll likely run off the line with one of the aforementioned names, most likely Monteiro.
If she hangs with Holley, look for two of the names above to tag team.
Then there's Mahr.
If Cryan - with an eye to giving himself the most possible power leverage ahead of his own reelection in 2021 and a likely challenge by Holley - decides to go for the chairmanship himself - would the Fanwood mayor run for an assembly seat in Scutari's district - LD22?
She told InsiderNJ on Saturday that she hasn't ruled it out. But she hasn't ruled in and is getting along governmentally with Scutari. They bonded Sunday at a party for U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12).
It's more substance than style with Mahr, who wants to talk about affordable housing.
Newly anointed Assemblywoman Linda Carter of Plainfield seems popular - she received a big warm hand at the breakfast - but might Mahr - or someone else, for that matter = augmented with a strong running mate - take a crack at Assemblyman Jim Kennedy of Rahway?
Or could Scutari short circuit Cryan by scooping up Mahr?
It's all speculative right now, but what's real is the rumbling war aftermath and coming war.
A Union source, a veteran, jaded, cynical, waved off the war talk.
It all gets resolved, said the source.
The war drums persist "in order for the major principles to feel they got something they want. [Elizabeth Mayor Chris] Bollwage gets to move someone up. Joe gets a freeholder seat back for Union. Annette becomes a judge. Something like that. Nick gets to keep his prosecutor's job in Linden.
"The little guys don't matter," the source added. "This is a Joe, Nick, Bollwage pie to carve up."