Weinberg strikes Back at Bramnick, and a GOP that Fronted for Trump

In response to Republicans claiming the working man mantle, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D-37) hit back this afternoon, denouncing the GOP as the party that enabled the former star of the Apprentice to become president.
"Too many over there bought into the ultimate reality TV show," Weinberg told InsiderNJ, in response in particular to Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick's expressed objection to former Goldman Sachs executive Phil Murphy, the apparent Democratic Party standard-bearer for governor this year.
"I have a concern because we're still recovering from Hillary Clinton shock," Weinberg said, in reference to Republican efforts to corral the populist card. 'But in terms of Phil Murphy agreeing with things I think are important, we've discussed issues in-depth, including the Port Authority bus terminal, which he came out strongly in support of - there's no reason to doubt he will fight for the issues I care about."
Weinberg said Republicans attempting to package themselves as the party of working people as they attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act and President Donald Trump tweets from the White House defies reality.
"They have absolutely no platform from which to speak," Weinberg said. "As they de-fund Planned Parenthood, I don't hear any of the Republican leaders standing up. Certainly I am concerned about the Medicaid expansion (in the ACA), which ensures thousands of New Jersey's families. That's going to go away with this Republican repeal, and I would like to hear Jon Bramnick stand up on that issue.
"Let their voices be heard on that issue," the senate majority leader added. "That is where they need to stand up. When they can stand up on those issues, I'll be joining them on a platform, but until then they cannot credibly claim to be the party of working men and women."
Weinberg is useless and is a big reason NJ has become a joke.