Blocking the Release of NJEDA Tax Incentives Report Would Be 'Radical and Unprecedented Ruling’

The lawyer defending the legality of Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration's task force investigating NJEDA tax incentive programs argued in court that it would be a radical, unprecedented change if the task force is prevented from issuing a report on its findings.

The [bubbleAutoLink text="task force" id="55148"] investigating NJEDA tax incentives needs to be able to issue its report, argued attorney Ted Wells, who represented Gov. Phil Murphy's administration in his argument before assignment Judge Mary Jacobson. He said that anything short of the judge granting the issuance of the task force's report would mean a radical change.

Anything short of the judge granting the report's issuance would mean a radical change.

"The public has every right to know," said Wells. "He [Murphy] would be derelict if he didn't form the task force. They're trying to suppress fundamental information for the public.

"They are talking about a radical change in how government operates," the defense attorney added. "You'd have complete chaos the system could not tolerate. They are asking for a radical and unprecedented ruling. The governor has every right to hold a hearing. There's no basis to withhold or stop him."

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