What Politics Topping do You Want on Your Pizza?

MARLBORO - Renzo Kolenovic had a question for one of his cooks:
"How many pies we sell yesterday?"
The answer was 12.
That was on Black Friday, a busy holiday if there ever was one, so that wasn't very good.
This story, however, is not about the vagaries of the pizza business.
It's about politics.
Kolenovic, a native of Montenegro (which used to be part of Yugoslavia) came to this Monmouth County town via Brooklyn a few years ago and opened Renzo's Italian Restaurant.
"We make our food with love," is what an online promo for the restaurant says.
Besides running a restaurant, Kolenovic got involved in local politics; he now chairs the Marlboro Republican Committee.
About a week ago, a text message shot across cyberspace. It read:
"Renzo's Pizza seems to be trying to profit off President Trump's historic victory. - which they had NOTHING to do with.
In fact, Renzo's is working with active anti-Trump RINOs trying to tear down our party.
Don't believe it? Check it out. Renzo's guest of "honor" Bill Spadea who didn't even want Trump to run and said Trump failed. Watch now.
Stay vigilant - don't be fooled by RINO scammers trying to make money off of Trump's big win."
While one is hesitant to spend much time analyzing such rantings, it is worth noting that Spadea - the radio host and gubernatorial candidate - is a big-time Trump supporter.
But there's more.
When I visited Renzo's restaurant last Saturday, Kolenovic told me his phones were down. Huh?
Sure enough, you dial the restaurant's number and the connection does not go through. This, he says, is no coincidence.
Politics is a nasty pastime. Everyone knows that. Still, aiming to hurt one's business over politics should strike any rational person as going a step, or a few steps, too far.
"We live in different times. This is not America," Kolenovic said, asserting that if the powers that be disagree with you, "they try to destroy ... they try to destroy (your) business."
So, who sent out the text and who, perhaps, messed with his phone lines?
"I'm sure it's the people (who) don't like what I'm saying, what I'm doing," he said.
What is Renzo Kolenovic doing and saying?
The first thing we should consider is that Kolenovic recently challenged Monmouth County Republican Chair Shaun Golden for reelection, losing overwhelmingly.
This was kind of a token challenge, but let's remember stepping up against the establishment is frowned upon. I've known politicians who became enraged simply because someone had the audacity to run against them - even if they had no chance of winning. How dare they exercise their democratic rights?
That challenge, presumably, made Kolenovic persona non grata to some Monmouth Republicans.
Kolenovic more recently endorsed John Leggio for mayor of Howell. Leggio was the Republican candidate, but he had been disowned, so to speak, by the local GOP establishment.
Leggio, by the way, won big.
Then, there is the aforementioned Spadea. Kolenovic supports him and just had a Spadea fundraiser at his restaurant. Kolenovic said the Monmouth County Republican establishment is with Jack Ciattarelli.
Then, there's the airport.
A contentious battle is ongoing involving an attempt by the Monmouth County Commissioners to possibly condemn and take control of Monmouth Executive Airport in Wall Township
Kolenovic made his views clear in a press release last week:
“Everyone I have talked to about the airport condemnation thinks it is a bad idea morally, philosophically and politically. Taking a private business for no apparent public purpose goes against the beliefs of Republicans, who want limited, pro-business government. If the commissioners go through with their plans to take the airport by eminent domain, Republicans will suffer in next years’ election. I do not want to see that happen.”
As noted - and this is a bipartisan observation - those who don't go along with party leaders run the risk of being ostracized.
Or not being able to sell pizzas.
Kolenovic is undaunted, saying the text and his phone problems are just going to make him work harder.
Tom do you really believe that the GOP had the phone company cut off service to Renzo’s? Renzo’s financial woes were well documented when he ran for town council.
Nicky S what does that have to do with obvious political persecution for expressing his opposition to the rulers of the county GOP? Nicky You must be one of Shaun Golden's toy soldier who - on orders from the top, will destroy a man's business and his life because he doesn't agree with the "boss"
Snowflack fails to mention Renzo rarely pays his bills. This can easily be found.
Political games at its finest I attended the Bill Spadia event at Renzos and I can tell you I support his campaign 100% we need to start putting the community over politics. As for the Monmouth county airport situation it's not Republican values to take away someone's personal property the owner's taxes are up to date, runway safety regulations per DOT are satisfactory, the owner is running a business just like many residents do on a daily basis.