When will Murphy Roll up His Sleeve to get the Vaccine?

Murphy in Somerset

We've seen photos of various luminaries - Dr. Anthony Fauci among them - getting the COVID vaccine.

So, when is the governor going to roll up his sleeves and to use one of the sports analogies he likes so much, take one for the team and, of course, himself.

Not yet apparently.

When asked about it at his Monday briefing, Phil Murphy said it all has to do with the supply. Or what he called an "enormous supply imbalance."

In short, the governor was suggesting that he won't take the vaccine until there is ample supply to cover all essential workers.

It was pointed out - without malice - that Murphy is over 60 and that senior citizens are considered "high risk."

Murphy said he understands that governors are "role models" and that, "there is some benefit to being seen taking it."

But considering New Jersey's current stash of the vaccine, the governor said, "I just can't justify it."

The vaccine, of course, has been very much on his mind, especially with 2,745 new cases announced today and 21 additional deaths. New Jersey has now seen 16,706 COVID-related deaths since the pandemic began almost 10 months ago.

The governor and his wife, Tammy, visited University Hospital in Newark two weeks ago to see the first vaccines administered in New Jersey.

This morning, he visited the Roosevelt Care Center  in Old Bridge as residents of long-term care centers began being vaccinated.

The first two were a nurse and a resident who is 103-years-old, which means she survived the 1918-19 flu pandemic as an infant.

"Judy and I were there to see both of them," Murphy said, referring to Judy Persichilli, the state health commissioner. In all, Murphy and the commissioner saw six individuals get the vaccine.

These types of visits are common for all elected officials. But this one was a bit provocative.

Left unsaid was that vaccinating nursing home residents could have started last Monday, but state health officials missed - by one day - the deadline for submitting data to the feds.

That delayed the arrival of the vaccine for a week.

Previous comments for: When will Murphy Roll up His Sleeve to get the Vaccine?

  1. Hancock212 says:

    He should have been first in line given his position and recent kidney cancer surgery - politics should not be involved.

  2. Kathleen Demarest says:

    ..............GOVERNOR MURPHY AND THE VACCINE GOVERNOR MURPHY rolls up his sleeve and takes the vaccine. Critics roar... he is selfishly first in line denying a more vulnerable person. GOVERNOR MURPHY keeps his sleeve down and doesn’t take the vaccine. Critics roar....he is not setting a good example. PLEASE, complain about something else and be thankful we have a competent, caring Governor.

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