Where One Lives Does not Impede where One Runs

The redistricting of CD-11 is prompting some moving around - one way or another.
Republican Tom Toomey, who had planned to run in the 11th against Mikie Sherrill, now says he wants to run in CD-6 where the incumbent is Frank Pallone.
There already is a Republican considering a challenge to Pallone - Sue Kiley, a Monmouth County commissioner. So there may be a primary.
In his statement, Toomey seems to discount Kiley, contending that "career politician Frank Pallone remains unchallenged."
Just as an aside, it is fascinating that where one actually lives is no impediment to where one runs for Congress.
Toomey says he's giving up his CD-11 challenge, because the district is in "great hands" with many "great" candidates.
Left unsaid is that the new map has made the district far more friendly to Democrats than to Republicans.
One of those "great" candidates is Robert Kovic of Sparta, whose hometown, and four others nearby, have been moved to CD-7. No more Sussex towns in CD-11 is bad news for Republicans.
Kovic, nonetheless, says he will continue to run in CD-11.
"I did not move out of the district," Kovic says, noting that the Democrats moved him out of the district when the momentum was swinging his way. He mentioned endorsements by Richard Grenell, who was once acting director of national intelligence and another Trump administration figure, Michael Flynn.
What does this mean in real life?
Probably very little.
Remember a guy named Fernando Mateo? Doubtful. At any rate, he ran for New York City mayor last fall with Flynn's endorsement. He got about 30 percent of the vote in the Republican primary.
Others in the CD-11 Republican race - at least for now - include Larry Casha, Paul DeGroot, Tayfun Selen, Hillery Brotschol and Phil Rizzo.
That's still a healthy number of primary candidates, but in light of the altered district, don't be surprised if there are more changes.
And exactly what does Fernando Mateo have to do with Congressional races in NJ?