While Harris hires the best message team in politics, Jim Margolis and David Plouffe, three core issues are causing a Trump-Vance meltdown

For Vice President Kamala Harris, her presidential campaign theme song should be, “Everything’s Coming Up Roses,” from the famed Broadway musical, “Gypsy.” Thus far, almost everything she touches turns to political gold.
Eleven days ago, prior to the withdrawal from the campaign of President Joe Biden, a death knell seemed to be tolling for the Democratic Party. Biden was trailing in the polls both nationally and in the swing states.
Then, with Joe Biden’s endorsement, Harris secured the Democratic presidential nomination. Almost overnight, her poll numbers have rapidly ascended.
Nine years ago, I left the Republican Party, to which I had dedicated my entire adult life, to campaign for Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump. I had worked directly with Hillary Clinton during my tenure as Bush 43 Region 2 EPA Administrator while she was serving as US Senator from New York. In terms of policy insight and political effectiveness, she was a magnificent US Senator.
Clinton would have been a great US President. She actually defeated Donald Trump in the 2016 popular vote.
Yet there was one political attribute that Harris has and Clinton didn’t: the ability to energize her followers. Kamala rallies are a scene of unrestrained joy and enthusiasm. Clinton’s rallies were a scene of veneration but not quite as enthusiastic as those of Harris.
In short, Hillary will always be an ideal, worthy of emulation, while Kamala is a rock star. The best news of the week for Kamala, however is that she has hired the best political communications team in the business, the same A-Team that enabled Barack Obama to be elected president in 2008 and reelected in 2012: David Plouffe for message and Jim Margolis for advertising. Already, Plouffe has formulated the devastating Kamala core message: The Prosecutor versus the Felon. Plouffe and Margolis are the most powerful duo since Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.
Meanwhile, while Harris is surging, the Trump-Vance team is experiencing a veritable meltdown. It began at the Republican National Convention with his selection of J. D. Vance as his vice-presidential running mate. I had forecast in a previous column the various political perils inherent in a Vance selection, but he has proven to be far worse than even I envisaged. In a nutshell, J.D. Vance makes Republican running mates Spiro T. Agnew in 1968 and 1972 and Sarah Palin in 2008 look like political superstars. The meltdown accelerated with the dreadful, most divisive Convention acceptance speech of Trump himself.
Yet the Trump-Vance meltdown continues in full force and is likely to endure throughout the campaign, creating the genuine possibility that even red states like Ohio and Florida will flip to Democratic blue. The permanency of the meltdown is attributable to three issues: Abortion, misogyny, and racism.
For nearly a year, the abortion issue, in particular the Supreme Court Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade has been an electoral disaster nationally for the Republican Party. In election after election, the Dobbs decision has confirmed the perception that the GOP totally opposes a woman’s right of reproductive choice.
When you combine the abortion issue with Trump- Vance misogyny, including the unalterable perception that Donald Trump is a vile sexual predator, the indelible impression on the electorate is that the GOP is an anti-women party. The most graphic and conclusive evidence of Trump misogyny and sexual predatory activity to date is, the judicial determination that he raped E. Jean Carroll. Now Vance has poured fire on Trump misogyny with his derogatory phrase, “childless cat ladies.”
With Trump, the stench of his racism is an enduring classic political halitosis. In a recent column, I chronicled Trump’s lifetime of public and private racist acts. I doubted that he could or would do anything that would worsen his repugnant racist record.
But he did. In his appearance before the National Association of Black Journalists, Trump insulted in the most despicable and deplorable fashion every biracial person in America.
With Trump every day making the most offensive racist and misogynist statements, the Trump- Vance meltdown will continue, and another successful Plouffe-Margolis campaign is inevitable. Speculation will soon ensue as to the Cabinet appointments of President-elect Kamala Harris.
Alan J. Steinberg of Highland Park served as regional administrator of Region 2 EPA during the administration of former President George W. Bush and as executive director of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission. He graduated from Northwestern University and the University of Wisconsin Law School.
Kabala Harris picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz over Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro because Shapiro, being a Jew, would have offended the small group of Pro-Palestinian and Anti-Semitic voters Harris wants. Walz fits the bill because he is a WHITE GERMAN SOCIALIST!!!!! Check out this scenario: If Harris wins the Presidency (God forbid!!!!!), and then can’t perform her duties, e.g., incompetence, illness, Deep State assassination, etc., then Walz becomes President. Walz’s tyrannical and violent reign has included the 2020 riots burning down Minneapolis where Walz did nothing; his total lockdowns during COVID; his massive increase in taxes so he could turn the state into a transgender sanctuary state; turn the state into an illegal alien sanctuary state; lying about his military career/stolen valor, etc. This is his legacy. Since Walz, is a WHITE GERMAN SOCIALIST, let's not forget the German Reichstag Building Fire caused by the Nazi brown shirt and black shirt rioters in 1933. See the comparisons: 2020 George Floyd riots, caused by the brown shirts and black shirts of BLM and ANTIFA burned down half of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Walz did nothing. He wanted this to foment, aid and abet the violence in this country to cause President Trump to lose the 2020 election. If Walz becomes President, being a WHITE GERMAN SOCIALIST, we will have the 2nd coming of Adolf Hitler!!!!!!!!!
My advice to Governor Shapiro: Think about why you were dropped by Harris. First: You would outshine her in enthusiasm and your delivery. Second : she was afraid of losing the muslim vote so identity politics kicked in and as a Jew you were disqualified. Identity politics is a standard in the Dem agenda; ie: White Dudes for Harris., This is probably not what you signed up for. Your school choice, and support for Israel are really Conservative agenda items. Maybe you should think about changing parties...Just saying
…………MISSION ACCOMPLISHED It is easy to get some people to respond if you know the right buttons to push. TJ….you are absolutely correct. I add nothing of substance, but that is not my purpose. There are many interesting sub stacks to read if you want truthful facts. My suggestion —-Letters to an American by historian, Heather Cox Richardson I specialize in memory work. I remember comments even if they are from two years ago and names have been changed. IF ANYTHING OF INTEREST WAS WRITTEN, I REMEMBER IT!!! I could go on, but I have to feed my cat..💙🐈⬛💙
Kathleen Demarest IS the "useful idiot" among commenters here. She has no relevant comment to impart other than to say it took me 3 days to respond to the purportedly "insightful" column. It took 3 days because the column wasn't received until August 5th. Hey, Kathleen, when are you going to provide us with any real information, other than personal ad hominem attacks on Republicans and Conservatives, such as myself, that provide factual information. I notice that other Republicans and Conservatives have been using my factual information to challenge you and the others of your leftist ilk when you spew Marxist effluent. By the way, Kabala Harris picked Far-Left Wing Minnesota Governor Walz as her V.P. running mate. Walz is so far left, he's left of Bernie Sanders. Walz let Minneapolis burn in 2020 and allowed BLM and ANTIFA to do it, releasing most of the perpetrators on no bail. Walz has turned the state into a "Transgender sanctuary" for children who want to transition, even thought it constitutes child abuse and child sexual abuse. Children have no decision making power until they're 25 years old. So, how can a government reptile tell parents that their children are fair game for sexual assault? Walz has also turned Minnesota into a "sanctuary state" of illegals (see Somalians) and even had the state flag redesigned to look like the Somali flag. Walz is a real P.O.S. He and Kabala Harris want this for the rest of America. Hang on to your seats when this Far-Left Marxist speaks and then tries to implement craziness in our country. Walz was picked because he's a German. The Nazis did the same thing in Germany in the 30s and 40s that Walz is doing in the 2020s. That's why Kabala didn't want to pick Josh Shapiro--because he's Jewish and it didn't fit into her anti-semitic plans to destroy Israel and destroy Jews. Hey, didn't the Nazis try to do that 80 years ago???? They murdered at least 6 MILLION Jews, and Kabala Harris and her Democrat Fascist Party are on the same historical course to do it again.
WHAT A RELIEF……..TJ (THOMAS JEFFERSON) IS ALIVE AND WELL. This magnificent, insightful column was published on August 2, and it took 3 days for TJ to call commenters useful idiots. NOTE….he did not call the columnist an idiot. Perhaps, he is mellowing, becoming more likable, more easy-going. One can always hope. PS—- I refer to him as TJ because as a Senior Plus, Plus when I start discussing Thomas Jefferson’s fascinating statements with family members, they begin researching long term care facilities.
The only Russian FSB trolls making comments here all happen to be left-wing Democrat-Marxist-Communists. By saying Russian FSB trolls are right-wingers is nothing more than projection and gaslighting by the left-wingers. I don't see Trump as being racists. He employed tens of thousands of blacks, hispanics, whites, Asians, etc. in his own real estate company when he re-built New York. He had many blacks in his first Administration, and will have many in his second Administration. He passed a pro-black community crime bill to help the black community. He passed laws to give blacks, hispanics, women and others, economic opportunity zones. He kept black, hispanic, women, and all other demographics in an all-time low unemployment. He gave blacks significant employment opportunities nationwide, that allowed them to move up the economic ladder, buy homes when they couldn't afford them before under black and Democrat Presidential leadership. Trump has employed more women in his own Administration than Biden or Obama. His 2 top communications directors are very smart women. So, the left-wing, Marxist-Democrat projection and gaslighting doesn't work here anymore. All that can be said about you commenters with the Trump Derangement Syndrome disease is that you're nothing more than Communist "useful idiots".
I detect a hint (sentence structure speaks volumes) of Russian FSB trolls in the right-wing comments (and yes, that includes those extolling the tragic decompensation of the son of one of my youthful political heroes) to Mr. Steinberg's accurate and cogently expressed column.
“The only thing to fear is fear itself. “
Unite America for what? To get out of NATO? To abandon Ukraine to the whims of a de facto Russian dictator? If we ‘unite’ the way RFK Jr. wants us to, by the time the autocratic states come for us, they’ll be no one to assist us. RFK Jr.’s uncle established the Peace Corps, that is Peace through STRENGTH to engage the best qualified young volunteers to set an example and make a difference in other countries that truly needed our help. Your man will squander that all away by diverting too much National and Coalition defense resources for pie in the sky medical research that your candidate is fixated on to our detriment if he is elected.
UNITE AMERICA The only thing weird are high paid messengers. First it was, “ saving and protecting our democracy “ -now the catch phrase is “weird.” A lot of money for one word. How about the message, Unite America. VOTE RFK JR.
More garbage from Steinberg. Not surprised. He will never write about the liberal kamala agenda which, to cite a few points: Universal government operated and controlled healthcare (medical insurance). - Elimination of all private health insurance. - Pharmaceutical Excise Tax and a Bank Tax. - Tax on all financial transactions. - Universal basic income and rent, paid by working taxpayers. - Total Ban on all oil exploration, drilling, freaking. Elimination of gasoline production. - Complete student debt relief. - Reparations - Elimination of Immigrations & Customs Enforcement (Border Security). - Defunding Police departments. - Unlimited up to time of birth abortion. - Voting rights for illegal aliens. - This list could go on and one. She is on record saying this. Look it up. She is trying to make this election all about abortion and race. We never hear of how she will address looming clouds of war as China, Russia, Iran threaten stability across the world. Let's remember that as a candidate for President twice now, not a single voter has ever voted for kamala, EVER. She dropped out in 2020 before the first vote was cast and came into 2024 after all the votes had been cast. Democrats call this saving democracy. Every one can form their own opinion after doing some research. Don't be fooled by lying politicians or one sided opinion journalists such as those associated with InsiderNJ (which is owned by a large democrat donor).
I will end where I began; The best political messengers money can buy, will frame this election all about race. #UNITY AMERICA
Unlike his father and JFK, RFK Jr. never served in the military. Because of his naive notions about very real threats to America and our Allies, and because he wants to effectively neuter our Armed Forces down to a defensive force, he is playing right into the hands of those who would harm us and our Allies. Isolationist Republicans foisted that same foolish posture in the 1920’s which did not serve us well later. Reading between the lines with regard to what he says about Ukraine, he would sadly, no doubt allow Russia to gobble up Ukrainian land they are NOT ENTITLED TO HAVE. He would do this in exchange for Russian ‘guaranteed’ for Ukrainian peace. Yeah, right. RFK Jr. would be a modern day Neville Chamberlain proudly waving the paper agreement he signed with Hitler. We already know what happened there. Like Ralph Nader, RFK, Jr. would make a good Consumer Advocate, however, both fail as politicians.
It is not a primary without the opportunity to debate. No democrat debate -A decision made by the DNC. And it is now very apparent why that decision was made. A lot of people distrust the government today, a very unfortunate inconvenient truth. Respectfully, polls mean very little. VOTE RFK JR.
Spoiler Alert: the Children’s Health Defense encourages research because they do not trust that our government to provide safe vaccines for us. I do trust our government to do so. The first two sentences of your second paragraph are flat-out false. There indeed were primaries or caucuses in all 50 states, as well as territories. In addition to Biden, Uncommitted received 37 delegates, Philips received 5 and Palmer received 3. RFK Jr. INDEED announced as a Democratic candidate in April, 2023, but switched to Independent BEFORE the primaries and caucuses started, in October, 2023. What you should at least consider asking yourself, is why your candidate’s polling numbers have dropped 50%, from 10% to the current 5%.
Spoiler Alert. Children’s Health Defense encouraged research. The DNC played a dirty trick and did not allow for a Democrat primary. Signaling to RFK JR. as well as others, to go away. Instead he changed is affiliation from Democrat to Independent. I believe his father would be very proud, that when met with adversity he has held his ground and moral conviction of helping others with great respect for the middle class. George Washington’s Farewell Speech speaks to his fears of a two party system destroying our Republic. Kennedy is the remedy and rather than a rotten egg spoiler , a much needed breath of fresh air.
RFK Jr. Chaired the Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit that is anti vaccination. He incorrectly believes that vaccines cause autism. He doubts the proven efficacy for measles vaccines. ( yes he does say that Americans would have access to vaccines if he is elected.) When Washington was elected President in his first term, there were no political parties. Of course, unity is preferable to discord, provided that government serves all people with equanimity. RFK Jr.’s father knew quite well that the Democratic Party served the needs of the Middle Class, the Working Class, and the Working Poor with far more equanimity than did the Republican Party. So you are against a two party system? How did Third Party work for President Taft in 1912 Election? How did it work for President H.W.Bush in 1992? How did it work for Vice President Gore, the popular vote winner in 2000? How did it work for Secretary Clinton, the popular vote winner in 2016? The fact of the matter is that in American Presidential elections, third party candidacies have only resulted in being spoilers. I did vote for John Anderson in 1980. I now know that was a huge mistake. As an Army Soldier, Reagan gave us a huge salary increase in 1982 if I am not mistaken. The problem is that he did not pay for it. He lowered personal income taxes substantially for wealthy Americans and US corporations, cut services for the poor and significantly added to our National Debt.
I did not say anything about when the author served as EPA director for district 2. I referenced 9-11-2001 as an example of when each of us saw humanity not race, when running away from danger as many ran towards it. In the pile of rubble the American flag was found by ordinary heroes, who cared of nothing more than saving lives.And yes, I agree facts matter. RFK JR has repeatedly said he is not anti/ vaccine. A bit of malinformation the media used to censor him. Divide and conquer is what is occurring right now , by making this election about race, rather than about solving the multitude of problems many Americans of all colors face. My vote is well researched, respected and honored as my most precious right as I respect your vote. #UNITY AMERICA
AEG, facts matter. Here are some for you. Mr.Steinberg was appointed the Region 2 Regional administrator of EPA in September of 2005, 4 years AFTER September 11, 2001. By questioning Vice President Harris’ bi-racial identity, Trump insulted all Americans who are bi-racial. Trump took out full page ads in a major New York newspaper to vilify the Central Park Five ( all black ) When it was announced to the world that these men were innocent, he did not apologize to them. In the 1970’s Trump was sanctioned (fined) for red-lining Blacks from his properties. Trump hounded President Obama for his birth certificate for the simple reason that Trump is a racist. MLK said we should judge folks by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. If you paid attention to what else Trump said at the Black Journalists Annual Forum, then you know Trump put his foot in his mouth, multiple times. Sadly, Women have been used by men since at least the first agricultural revolution approximately 10,000 years ago. While I of course concede that had our mothers aborted us, we wouldn’t be participating in this forum, there has to be consistency in Federal Laws concerning abortion. Certainly abortion should not occur after a pro-created life can survive outside the womb, unless the life or health of the mother is in danger. Somehow, I think Republicans do not want equal protection under the law for pro-created life still in the womb, because they DON’T want to put their money where their mouths are. They don’t want the government regulating when, and with whom we can have sex with, and for what purpose. They also play a good game showing photos of aborted pro-created life in front of abortion clinics, but refuse to commit to providing cradle to grave social services for ALL unwanted pregnancies that are carried to term. So you support RFK, Jr. Why? His father is no doubt rolling around in his grave. Are you an anti-vaccine person, like RFK, Jr? This is the most important election in our lifetime, and you want to throw your vote away?
Is Region 2 EPA district in the financial district of NYC? The site of 9-11? The site that the EPA deemed the air quality safe to breathe? On that day (9-11-2001) , we witnessed all people come together to help each other as Americans. Almost 25 years later, instead of talking of the human condition, we are ranting about race as a reason to vote for one side or the other. Employing great writers to push that message over policy and sensationalize abortion in a neat narrative called reproductive rights. Its purpose, only to capture the women’s vote, rather than the dignity it deserves as being an extremely personal issue. Women will be used for that purpose. Our first President, George Washington, feared a two part system would destroy our Republic. #UNITY AMERICA. VOTE RFK JR. Learn about POLICY Get off the collision course, that will spiral into an artificial race war . This is undignified and certainly not why many put their own lives in jeopardy to save others on 9-11-2001. It is insulting.