Who Should Succeed Senator Sandra Cunningham?

The expected retirement of state Senator Sandra Cunningham has created a political kerfuffle in LD31.

This, from InsiderNJ, back in November:

In LD-31, there is increasing speculation that veteran incumbent state Senator Sandy Cunningham (pictured, above) will not pursue reelection. Sources say John Minella, aide to Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, would likely fill the vacancy, with Commissioner Bill O’Dea slated as a longer-term replacement.

Indeed, it's true that Cunningham will not run again.

It is also true that Fulop is said to favor or to have favored O'Dea as the full-term replacement.

But machinations always afoot in Hudson open other potential candidacies, be it on or off the line.

They include O'Dea, first elected County Commissioner by one vote among county committee people to fill the unexpired term of County Commissioner Henry “Hank” Gallo, who died unexpectedly in September 1997. From his county bio: "In November 1998, County Commissioner O’Dea roundly defended his seat, obtaining the electorate’s full support, for the remaining one year of the term."

"Now serving his eighth full term, County Commissioner O’Dea is the Chairperson of the Public Resources Committee; a member of the following committees: Taskforce on the Homeless; and Liaison to the Workforce Investment Board."

Then there's Assemblywoman Angela McKnight (D-31).

Sworn into office on January 12, 2016, a resident of Jersey City, McKnight received a bachelor's degree from the University of Phoenix with a major in business management. She is the founder and chief executive officer of AngelaCARES, an advocacy and support organization for senior citizens. As a member of the General Assembly, McKnight has been appointed to serve on the Education Committee, the Health and Senior Services Committee and the Human Services Committee. She is also a member in good standing of the Black Legislative Caucus.

Then there's Commissioner Jerry Walker, co-founder and CEO of the non-profit organization, Team Walker. In 1996, The Jersey City native returned from a successful basketball career "to give back to his community and make a difference in the lives of youth.

"Team Walker provides academic and athletic afterschool and summer programs for over 500 boys and girls from the ages of 3 to 18 through structured STEM learning, safe recreational activities and access to positive role models. Jerry’s motto is to give youth a first chance to be great that way they’ll need fewer second chances."

Now, here's the question:

[totalpoll id="143542"]

Previous comments for: Who Should Succeed Senator Sandra Cunningham?

  1. Fred says:

    Someone who is not bought and paid for by Norcross and Sweeney. Never again. We need someone who is looking out for those they crapped in. It those who turned a blind eye.

  2. Christine Spann says:

    I truly support Jerry Walker for his commitment to his community and his outstanding job with the youth in his after school program. Jerry's love and concern for his seniors speaks volume about his character. Jerry will get the job done.

  3. oneita mccrea says:

    Jerry walker would be an excellent candidate for the senator seat,, he knows what our black n brown young men needs also our seniors needs,,,

  4. Shirley Rogers-Fields says:

    He make sure the seniors are happy i.e. come to their meetings when requested to help them understand what is going on in their community as well as seeing to it that the children's needs are met

  5. Shirley Rogers-Fields says:

    Jerry is the man. If he can't get it done, nobody can. Look what he is doing now. God bless him

  6. Denisse says:

    I highly recommend Bill O'Dea. He is there for all the people. Unlike, other candidates listed here he doesn't pick and chooses who he helps. Bill opens his heart and arms to everyone! He is a true leader and advocate for the people in Jersey City.

  7. JoAnn Alston says:

    I support Jerry Walker. He is for all the people. He will strive to see legislation to improve the quality of life for all individuals!!

  8. Yogi says:

    Hudson County Commissioner William “Bill” O’Dea authenticity is the gap between his thoughts and his actions. The smaller the gap, the more genuine the lifestyle of what a dedicated public servant Billy has been for the entire community over the four and half decades(45 years)! All though the others in the poll have some redeeming qualities they have a tendency to play follow the leader instead of leading the charge!

  9. Elaine Lawson says:

    Jerry Walker has served his community well as Commissioner and I know he will be an outstanding Senator.

  10. kirby Macalinao says:

    A Man of Faith, Courage and has a HEART to serve, that is Commissioner Bill O'Dea. Thru his many years of serving our County, Community and the whole Jersey City. That is why for me he is the Man for the Job.

  11. Just a Kid From Jersey City says:

    Hudson County Commissioner William “Bill” O’Dea authenticity is the gap between his thoughts and his actions. The smaller the gap, the more genuine the lifestyle of what a dedicated public servant Billy has been for the entire community over the four and half decades(45 years)! All though the others in the poll have some redeeming qualities they have a tendency to play follow the leader instead of leading the charge!

  12. Francis Falcicchio says:

    In the 31st District, there has never been consideration of the state Senator being a member of a certain gender or racial group. The most recent change in the assembly make up of the district witnessed a white male replaced by a black male. So picking Bill O’Dea or Barbara Stamato should not be an issue.

  13. Diana DIDI says:

    We need new people to represent us.

  14. Eddie C . Ayende says:

    The proof is in what you have done an what you continue to do !! When you walk the streets of Jersey city an can say he has a job , He was the one who helped me through my bad times, he has done Easter events for many years . He has has given back to the community by sending turkeys to sinors . Get back to work programs like the Impact program!! THIS IS WHY ,I SUPORT BILL O'DEA . BILL continues to be there.

  15. Eddie C . Ayende says:

    The proof is in what you have done an what you continue to do !! When you walk the streets of Jersey city an can say he has a job , He was the one who helped me through my bad times, he has done Easter events for many years . He has has given back to the community by sending turkeys to sinors . Get back to work programs like the Impact program!! THIS IS WHY ,I SUPORT BILL O'DEA . BILL HAS BEEN THERE . BILL continues to be there.

  16. Irene Jackson says:

    I truly support Jerry Walker for his outstanding job in his community with the youth and the seniors.His back ground speaks for himself .Jerry Walker is the person for that seat

  17. Irene Jackson says:

    I truly support Jerry Walker without a doubt. His back ground speaks for himself. For the outstanding job he’s doing with the youth and the seniors.It could not be a better person for that seat but Jerry Walker. We need a Jerry Walker in every community.

  18. Francis Kwesi Koomson says:

    Commisoner Bill ODea is the only commissioner who has not accepted a raise since he has been an elected official from the County . Always for the constituents Always seeking the interest of constituents

  19. Philip Kenny says:

    Bill is a elect official that's been there for the entire community.

  20. Tarell Glover says:

    Jerry Walker is a great man helping out young men in the community

  21. Ray Ortiz says:

    I’ve watched Jerry grow from a curious boy to a very humbled man. He is actively positive in his community. I am very impressed with his relentless efforts to give back. Not only to his community but to the people as well. He has my vote wholeheartedly. I’ve watched him make relentless strides within his community. We need a Jerry Walker in every community.

  22. loudora glover says:

    Jerry Walker is a good man he is doing great things for the community his helpful hes always there when you need him by phone or in person he does a awesome job with the seniors and the children in the community keep up the good work

  23. Ray Ortiz says:

    Jerry Walker, without a doubt. I’ve watched Jerry grow from a Boy to a Man determined to do for his community. Not only is Jerry working for his community but for the people as a whole. I have been impressed by his humble nature and his community awareness. Definitely had my support. His dedication and work ethic speaks volumes. I can go on & on about this individual’s positive energy in our community.

  24. Shirley Fields says:

    I truly support Jerry Walker. He is a people person, the youth as well as the seniors. We love him all year round not just election time.

  25. Dorothy Robertson says:

    I support Jerry Walker

  26. Joan Terrell says:

    Has the Senator given notice of her intentions yet? It is disturbing to me how the political sharks are circulating. Those whose names are mentioned in this article need to declare their intentions. No one should assume they have a lock on fulfilling the Senator’s seat. I am disappointed in Mayor Fulop and his statements over his chief of staff filling this important seat, temporarily or not.

  27. John Borges says:

    I fully support Jerry Walker for the Senate. His background speaks volumes.

  28. Ethel Bluford says:

    Anyone not already apart of Folop team or favored by the current Mayor.

  29. Jonathan Burgess says:

    Good morning everyone I select Jerry walker in the senate seat for the outstanding job he has done in the community for the seniors and kids ..it couldn't be a more better person to fill that seat with his 3 Ds.. .determination, dedication and discipline within jersey city nj neighborhoods..I recommend him highly for the where he came from to where he is at now with the people and trust me alot of the citizens of jersey city would agree..in Jerry walker we trust.

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