Who Would Trump Vote for in the NJ Governor's Contest?

Donald Trump may be in Bedminster these days, but as a Florida resident he can't vote tomorrow.
You wonder who he'd pick if he could - Phil Rizzo or Hirsh Singh.
The question is hypothetical, but there is some real relevance here.
[caption id="attachment_118779" align="alignleft" width="150"] Rizzo[/caption]
Both Rizzo and Singh have been portraying themselves as the Trump candidate in the race for governor.
Singh brazenly has claimed that "everyone knows" Trump won the 2020 election. Well, perhaps in his circle.
Rizzo says, "If you support President Trump, don't let the establishment tell you who to vote for on June 8."
So Trump devotees have a choice to make.
And that prompts an interesting question for those outside Trump-world.
Just how strong is the Trump cult among New Jersey Republicans? How many votes will Singh and
[caption id="attachment_92713" align="alignright" width="150"] Singh[/caption]
Rizzo get combined?
The guess here is about 40 to 45 percent.
Primary voters still tend to be party regulars and every county organization in the state is backing Jack Ciattarelli for the very simple reason he has the best chance of beating Phil Murphy in November.
As we have stated before, Trump himself got only about 42 percent of the vote in New Jersey both times he ran for president. So, the arithmetic simply doesn't support a Trump candidate winning the race for governor.
Of course, that may not be persuasive to Trump backers, whose passion often is intense. To them, Ciattarelli is no better than Murphy; he's just another RINO.
They likely will back Rizzo or Singh without giving much thought to the fall election.
And it will be revealing to see - for the viability of New Jersey Republicans going forward - just how large the state's Trump voting bloc is.
Here, we must ask, can the truly unthinkable happen? Can Rizzo or Singh actually win the primary?
That seems impossible with Rizzo and Singh splitting the strong pro-Trump vote.
Then, there's organizational support.
Something will be seriously wrong with the state's GOP leadership if their chosen candidate can't win a three-way primary.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Despite claims to the contrary, for the record, Trump has not endorsed a candidate in the GOP Primary for Governor of New Jersey. Steven Rogers, a campaign spokesman for Trump in 2020, denounced a circulated social media Trump endorsement of Singh as phony. "This kind of corrupt behavior is destroying our party & frankly as a leader in advancing Trump’s MAGA agenda I am troubled that Singh has hurt our MAGA efforts," Rogers said. "Media: Trump endorsement of Singh is fake, ex-President’s spokesman says. How anyone can support him is troubling!"
Who did Trump endorse for Governor? I think Ciatarrelli is aligned with a Chris Christie type Republican. This is probably why he lost. MAGA is in full force.
This is an easy call...Trump would endorse the establishment candidate but he'd vote for Rizzo. Trump is too racist to vote for Singh so Rizzo gets his vote.