Who's Up and Down: Week of the CD7 Protests and the Ocean and BurlCo GOP Screening Sessions

Ocean County GOP Chairman George Gilmore resigns his position after having been found guilty of 3 out of 6 counts of federal tax evasion, reports The Asbury Park Press.


Phil Murphy

The former Goldman Sachs executive racked up a big (albeit inevitable) win this week in Middlesex, delivering a kayo to his Middlesex County Democratic rival, Assemblyman John Wisniewski of Sayreville. On track to harvest all the Democratic County lines, Murphy was nonetheless taking no chances, as his campaign again this week zapped Wiz with a mail piece that reached way back into the Sayrevillian's voting history to note early opposition to a woman's right to choose. Here's the piece...

Steven Fulop

The Mayor from Jersey City collected the endorsement of Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, but more importantly, won the public backing of a warpaint wearing State Senator Brian P. Stack (D-33), who showed up to the Saturday event with hundreds of pledged campaign workers.

Leonard Lance

He will have to be careful in a general election, as progressives outraged by President Donald J. Trump's policies stormed the 7th District Congressman's town hall event Wednesday night, and maybe it is indeed finally over as establishment Republicans look for ways to put distance on Trump ahead of 2018. But Lance credit for a text book performance in civil discourse - and for having the guts to get onstage in front of a hostile audience to make his case before the people.

Angela Garretson

Extending her political career after the mayhem of local politics in her hometown, the mayor of Hillside won the support of the Union County Democratic Committee as the replacement for retiring Freeholder Vernell Wright.

[caption id="attachment_825" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Green[/caption]

Ted Green

The East Orange Council President won the formal backing of powerful East Orange Democratic Committee Chairman Leroy Jones, Speaker Emeritus Sheila Oliver (D-34) and Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo as he runs to succeed Lester Taylor as mayor.

Hank Lyon

Having politically savvy Assemblyman Jay Webber in his corner doesn't hurt, and that's an understatement, as the Morris County freeholder undertakes a challenge of Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce.


John Wisniewski

Yes, he had a great town  hall in Wayne and can make the case that Murphy's repeated artillery attacks show establishment worry. Wiz can also dismiss Middlesex (and Union Democrats') endorsements as machine politics in the ultimate wild west year. But you'd still rather have the line - at least in your home county - in  a machine state like New Jersey, than feel its lack.

Betty Lou DeCroce

The assemblywoman - who has never personally been in a tough race in the 26th District - must mount up now in the face of a stampeding Webber and Lyon, two young and hungry Republicans who chafe at being told what to do in a county with little county party organizational relevance in a GOP Primary.

Rodney Frelinghuysen

While Lance jumped in his chariot like Achilles and went out there to face the screaming Trojan hordes, the 11th District congressman retreated into the foliage of that bastion of American diversity: Harding. Frelinghusyen phoned it in, as angry constituents and others held a town hall meeting anyway, with Wisniewski in attendance.

[caption id="attachment_824" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Ocean Freeholder Jack Kelly, right, and Assemblyman Brian Rumpf (R-9) at this week's Ocean GOP guv candidates' screening.[/caption]

Chris Christie

Predictably, Republican gubernatorial candidates seeking to curry favor with Ocean Republicans either ran from the 18% job approval rating-swamped Republican governor's record (Kim Guadagno and Jack Ciatarrelli) or openly attacked it (Joseph Rudy Rullo).

Mickey Bradley

Oakland Police charged the Bergen County safety director with driving while under the influence after his car plowed into a mailbox.

Richard Goldberg

Hawthorne Republicans took a vote-of-no-confidence this week, needing 2/3 to remove the Hawthorne mayor from the line. It almost happened. Ten voted for him, 12 voted against him. Not quite enough. A win? Barely. Now Frank Giglio, a former cop and karate teacher, is preparing to run against Goldberg (also a former candidate for the assembly in the 38th District).

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