Who's Up and Down: Week of the Senate Prez-Speaker Throw Down


Michael Hill

Always brilliant and detail-oriented, the veteran NJTV reporter (pictured) proved a tenacious inquisitor in a press conference showdown with Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez. Hill refused to be muzzled as he pursued question after question in a public service effort to get more clarity on this controversial issue.

Steve Sweeney

In the middle of a regional inter-caucus war, Union City's Brian P. Stack endorsement of South Jerseyan Sweeney for Senate President this week had to hurt Speaker Vincent Prieto (D-32), who would prefer a show of Hudson solidarity. It was great news for Sweeney.

Craig Coughlin

Stack's backing of Sweeney was good news for the assemblyman from Middlesex, who depends on Sweeney getting back to the senate throne in order to make his own ascent to the speakership in succession  of Prieto.

Cory Booker

At a transportation press conference this week, the junior senator from New Jersey gallantly shielded an under-siege Gov. Chris Christie from protesters slapping the Republican Governor with the tag of "hypocrite" for his axing of the Access to the Region's Core (ARC) tunnel.

Margaret Weinberger

The Somerville star proved a lively and spirited host at the New Jersey Federation of Democratic Women-sponsored gubernatorial debate in Montgomery on Wednesday evening.


Alex Blanco

The former mayor of Passaic received over two years in prison for taking $110,000 in corrupt payments from developers doing business in his city.

Jose "Joey" Torres

No one's saying he's guilty, but it looks grim. The state prosecution's offer on the table in exchange for his pleading guilty to second-degree conspiracy to commit official misconduct includes the indicted mayor of Paterson forfeiting his position and serving five years in prison with no chance of parole, Deputy Attorney General Peter Baker said at the Jersey City hearing this afternoon, according to this story.

Chris Christie

After positioning Booker for years at podiums of his own choosing while he talked and Booker listened, the governor had to stay in the background this time as protesters hectored him on the ARC tunnel. The governor digested the mood in relative classy fashion, but then there was also this, this and this.

Leonard Desiderio

The mayor of Sea Isle city has to fight off a one million dollar lawsuit filed by a developer, who alleges that he abused his power to "stifle a competitor." For more on this, please go here.


The Union County is down this week with the sad news of the death of former Mayor Allen Chin. For more on the late mayor, please go here.

New Jersey

The state has the worst public pension system in the country, according to a study outlined here.



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