WHO's UP and WHO's DOWN: Special Post Runoff Edition


Dahlia Vertreese

The Labor Organizer/Labor Relations Specialist for Local 68 International Union Operating Engineers pulled off the win on Tuesday night in the runoff election for Hillside Mayor. Close to Assemblyman Tom Giblin (D-34), Vertreese this year stepped forward as a first rate operative turned local leader.

Joe Cryan

The Senator-elect from the 20th District went all in with Vertreese as part of his effort to wield greater control over the district in the aftermath of retiring state Senator Ray Lesniak (D-20).

Mikie Sherrill

The CD11 congressional candidate scored this week scored the coveted endorsement of former Governor (and state Senator) Dick Codey, who jumped out in front of a parade that insiders speculate will soon include powerful Essex County Democratic Committee Chairman Leroy Jones.

James Solomon

The Jersey City Ward E candidate improbably won the downtown city council seat previously held by Mayor Steven Fulop, defeating former Kristen Gillibrand staffer Rebecca Symes. "I am honored to serve downtown Jersey City and I will continue to fight for every resident on City Council," Solomon said last night in a statement after he edged Symes. "We could not have done this without our committed volunteers and supporters who have dedicated their lives towards creating a stronger Jersey City - knocking doors, making phone calls, and talking to their neighbors. My thanks also to my opponent in this run-off, Rebecca Symes, for running a thoughtful campaign. Gaby and I decided to raise our family here because it’s a truly special community. As a member of City Council, I will work every day to secure intelligent development, better schools, excellent infrastructure, and a government that works for all residents, so Jersey City remains a city for everyone. This is a pivotal moment for our city, and I'm looking forward to getting to work." All eyes are on him, particularly since he ran without the support of Fulop and that's the ward Fulop used to muster his own political power base.

Anthony Salters

In power for two years now as the successor to the late Charlotte DeFilippo, the Chairman of the Hillside Democratic Party gutted out a win behind rising star Vertreese.


Joe DiVincenzo

Thanks to Angelo Genova, the powerful Essex County Executive (and his campaign manager) managed to get their ELEC penalty chopped down, but it's still $20K in damages as Joe D. trudges toward a 2018 reelection effort.

Jorge Batista

The affable workaholic from Hillside failed by just 28 votes in his effort to beat the local (AFL-CIO-assisted) machine in yesterday's mayoral runoff. It was too bad there couldn't be two winners in the low-turnout election, as insiders on both sides of the contest commented on the high quality of both Vertreese and Batista.

John Bartlett

Codey's jump out for Sherrill signaled an intensification of the high pitched whine of air coming out of the Bartlett for Congress Campaign, as the Passaic County Freeholder appears up against party establishment support cohering around newcomer Sherrill.

Rodney Frelinghuysen

The Congressman from the 11th District faces the prospect of a fast-empowering Sherrill (see above)coupled with his one eye on the Trump wing of the party "aye" vote to move forward a plan to reconcile the House and Senate versions of a Trump tax plan that kills New Jersey taxpayers on deductions.

Jamel Holley

The full-blown swordfight between Cryan and Holley is underway in the 20th District. Cryan picked Vertreese, while the 20th District Assemblyman chose Batista. Batista almost won. But Holley had to eat the loss ahead of next year's local elections in Roselle, where his local adversary, Mayor Christine Dansereau, seeks full control of the council.

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